Swimming in too much rooibos--would you like some?
I’ve got too much rooibos. I am not that crazy about it; it’s nice to have some of it around, but I think that I have several pounds. Would any USA people like to have some? I will pay for postage and will not expect anything in return. Let’s say 3 or 4 people maximum.
Also if anyone is up for a trade, I would love that even more. I’ve got many teas in addition to rooibos including some fine blacks, greens, and flavors. I’ll be glad to send you my list but will not post it here because it would consume too much room. I’ve been buying too much tea in the past three months and hence can vouch for the fact that these are young samples.
Oh, Skittlefox, let me know your choice and I can send you a smallish sample. I just need to avoid the whole customs form but I can get about two servings in a regular envelope.
I’m up for a trade/unloading of teas.
I’m pretty sure I have some teas that will go bad before I get around to drinking them. Especially if you like Sencha.
Yes, JMKauftheil and Skittlefox: please PM me and I will send you the list of what I have available to give away and/or trade. Thank you!
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