Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
Going to pick up my Teavivre order from the post office today, I’m so exciteeed. And I also bought my first gaiwan yesterday, it’s tons of fun.
2006 Fengqing Raw Pu-erh Tea Tuocha, I got a sample with my previous order and I liked it so I had to buy full tuocha when it was in sale. I also got 50g Raw Pu-erh Mini Tuochas. I had urge to buy a lot more puerh, but my cabinet is too full.
So…nothing comes in for weeks, and all of a sudden, everything at once.
Another great day in fairy land!
Sweet Jesus…a mean monthly load of Whispering Pines teas, weeeheee!!! :
And beautiful teaware from Teavivre… A cute classic yixing clay pot, a breaking tray for pu’erh, and a lovely glass cha hai pitcher:
You finally get to try Rivendell!! I’m so excited for you!
My glass cha hai got here today too….but it was cracked :(
Mj, guess what i’ll be drinking and reviewing tonight? RIVENDELL!
Blodeuyn, you have the best idea!! The kettle is always on, so y’all invited to my house to drink ALL the WP teas :-)
MJ, forgot to mention, I am soooo sorry for your glass pitcher! That sucks real bad :-(
Hopefully they replace the broken pitcher. Oh if I was closer I’d come over for a tea party!
Stephanie was nice enough to send me some samples from Butiki tea.
Ruby Pie, Japanese Pu-erh, Caramel Apple Oolong, Red Queen Cupcake, Irish Cream Cheesecake, and Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake
I got my The Tea Merchant order. So glad I ordered these:
I was going to get the tea tray but I completely forgot about it. Gosh I really need one >_<
I love that teapot and had considered buying it, but it was just bigger than what I need. I’m so happy it found a wonderful home!!!!
So many goodies! I got my new “tea boat”, sharing pitchers, shengs, cups, and little pretty dish. All were from Etsy or Dragon Tea House.
After the day I had, it was great to come home to all this wonder!
Very nice, I like the wrappers on the cakes. :) Sorry you had a bad day though.
Thanks. I bought one of those cakes just because of the wrapper. Hope it turns out to be a good gamble!
Sarsonator,l I bought that White Puerh myself. Got it with my last Dragon Tea House order. I have not yet got to trying it.
I received a small order from dragon tea house today. Only an Cha Hai and one black tea, the Premium Bai Lin Gong Fu.
I got my Mandala sampler and the (M)UTTB yesterday. XD
(And I just realized that if it had been called a stash instead of a box it could’ve been called the mutts box. Lolz)
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