Smart Balance Milk
I just saw a commercial for Smart Balance milk and as a chai lover w/ borderline high cholesterol I’m very intrigued! The fat free is supposed to be as rich and creamy as 2% milk. And there’s even a lactose free variety. Unfortunately, it’s so new that it isn’t available in WI yet. Has anyone tried adding it to their tea?
We have it in local grocery. I buy their 2% milk sometimes, mainly because it’s free of BGH and it’s often on promotion. It doesn’t taste fine but not as tasty as another local organic brand. Will try their fat free next time! I usually feel fat free milk is too “diluted”. But it will be great if it tastes creamy and fat free!
Gingko, I’ve personally never had a problem w/ fat free because that’s what I was raised on. Do you drink it plain? In tea? Too bad it’s not organic though. What is the price comparison?
I don’t use milk for tea, but use it for coffee or drink it alone. The smart balance price here sometimes is below $3 and our organic milk is usually $4 (for 0.5 gal). I usually want to taste some fat and cholesterol from the milk :-p I guess the omega-3 can somewhat serve for the fat taste :D
I wonder how the smell compares… I hate the smell of hot milk… puke! lol:)… Not that I’m thrilled about it cold either lol. I can’t stand the taste of milk on it’s own- just in tea and hot chocolate.
I didn’t pay much attention to the smell. I thought all milk smelt the same :-P
Bleh. I’m not sure if I got a bad batch or what, but Smart Balance milk strongly tastes and smells like the fish oil (omega-3 rolls eyes)they put in it. :/ I was afraid to try it again.
I haven’t tried the milk, but we did try their peanut butter when it first came out. It was aweful. If the milk smells and tastes as much of the fish oil, there is no way I’m trying it. We’re fans of their margarine.
For anyone interested, I just noticed Smart Balance Milk is now available nationwide- there’s even a coupon for $1 on their website. I’m picking mine up on Wednesday!
I got my milk! 1st tried it solo (keep in mind I do not like milk solo)… slightly different scent and flavor, but not enough for me to dislike it more than normal milk. Then tried in in an espresso latte (w/ 1TB flavored creamer)… SO GOOD! Rich, creamy, thick. And now I just tried it w/ chai (52teas Mayan Chocolate Chai) and 1TB flavored creamer… Same rich, creamy, thick yummyness- I finished off the chai so there was a lot of cayenne, but the chai still seems to hold up well. If you are looking to improve your heart health by adding omega 3s to your diet, want to increase your bone strength w/ an extra 25% of protein and calcium than regular milk, want to increase your muscle mass w/ an extra 25% DRV of protein, or want a thicker, creamier milk w/o all the fat- GET THIS!=D
For anyone interested in “added-value” milk there is a brand called “Dairy Oh!” (developed at the University of Guelph) which is made by feeding cows omega-3 fatty acids which then ends up in the milk. Because the omega-3 fatty acid molecule is naturally incorporated in the milk you won’t taste as much of a fishy taste (if any at all!).
For those who are REALLY adventurous, you might want to try goat’s milk rather than cow’s milk. It has a higher concentration of good nutrients and some other functional properties, such as helping with absorption of minerals in the diet. However, goat’s milk has a “goat-y” taste to it (referred to as “taint”) which is particularly prevalent at higher temperatures.
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