Teasenz.com/Teasenz.eu Special Offers Thread
Our offers are updated weekly!
Global store deals (Teasenz.com) Shipping from China: https://www.teasenz.com/sale
- Deals include tea pets, tea cups, oolong tea, pu erh tea, and Yixing teapots!
EU store deals (Teasenz.eu) Shipping from the Netherlands: https://teasenz.eu/collections/sale
- Deals include tea in gift tins, teaware, orange pu erh, and tea gift boxes with 2 tins.
We’ve updated our special offers with new deals including tea pets, pu erh tea, and loose leaf tea!
We’ve updated our special offers with new deals including a Home Tea Roaster, Yellow Rose Lapsang Souchong black tea, and Zhi Lan Xiang oolong tea.
This week’s new offers include our Wuyi Rock tea sampler, (Dayi) pu erh teas, (Cat & Sheep) tea pets as well as the Sapiens teapot stand and tea re-roaster.
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