If it isn’t too late, I’d love to participate! I’ve done a few other TTBs before and always enjoy them!
I am located in the US and would prefer to ship domestically.
Hi Irina!
Unfortunately I think it’s a little bit late – I want to be respectful of the time/wait for the IG crew in the second half of the list, since the box was initially started for them (and we expanded to Steepster).
However, I will definitely reach out after we finish this round and are ready for the next rotation! :)
The box is on its way to Kaylee!
Got the box today! Have been dealing with family stuff this week so can’t open it today, but will try to get into it tomorrow. Might not be able to post as many notes as I normally would but hoping to stick to the designated timeline.
My first day back in town will be the 29th, so feel free to take your time! I hope things are okay with your family!
Box packed up and shipping out to AJRimmer tomorrow!
The box arrived this evening! Yay!
If at some point you need another person to join I’d be happy to. =D
The TTB is on its way to Tiffany!
Arrived yesterday. Will try and only keep for a few weeks and get out in early December to the IG group. I got this one Monday & the Steepster TTB last Fri. sigh :)
I know this box is moving from steepster to IG but I know there is overlap
Thanks everyone for your patience – always great to get the box right during a busy time of the year (and another TTB at the same time). :) My goal is to get out on Thursday afternoon, I have valhallow’s information via PM. Will update when sent – my Weds night plans include making sure the box is packaged as full as possible with tea and packaged up safely ready to get to the post office. :)
Do we know who currently has the box and what the current timeline is?
Hi Arby – I believe right now the box is either en route to Gabby or currently with Gabby.
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