52Teas said

Our Grand Re-Opening!

Hello Tea Lovers!

As some of you may already be aware, we’ve recently restructured 52Teas – we’re now an LLC! Amethyst – our previous owner & my firstborn! – will be graduating from college soon & she is ready to move on to other things! She asked me to take the reigns of the company, which I have done. So now I – together with my youngest – are moving forward as an LLC.

To celebrate, our e-commerce platform seems to be cooperating with me & I’m now able to utilize discount codes! So, here’s one to celebrate our new transition: REOPEN20

This discount gives you 20% off your entire order of $20 or more (before shipping charges are applied)! So go ahead – try it! Go on! You’ll enjoy it! :)


Thank you – everyone! – for allowing me to do what I love to do for the last 7 years! (Now quickly approaching 8 years!) I appreciate you so very much!

Fine print: this offer is good only on available inventory as listed on the website – no rainchecks! Valid through March 31, 2023!

6 Replies
MiepSteep said

Congrats! May there be many more years of doing what you love, and doing it well :)

52Teas said


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Kelmishka said

<insert “Don’t tempt me, Frodo!” gif here> XD

But seriously, congratulations! Very exciting changes.

52Teas said

Thank you. :)

(Also, tempt you is exactly what I want to do!)

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ashmanra said

I just couldn’t justify buying myself any tea when I am working so hard on sipdowns…but buying GIFTS for OTHER people is fine! Even if a pouch or two ends up living with me instead!

Thanks for the code, and congratulations and many blessings moving forward!

52Teas said

Thank you for your order and your well wishes! Enjoy the tea! :)

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