I’ve only gotten in two today…David’s Tea Strawberry Shortcake and Read My Lips. The first was really a let down. I have just enough to try once more. It just seemed bland to me and I steeped for 5 min! The second is ok, but not a reorder for me.
Of course I’ve broken my no tea buying rule this week as David’s just got in their bubbly champagne bottle (which they were not suppose to be getting back in) so I had to order quick.
LOL Drat! I had to work today so couldn’t participate. I am hopefully going to have some tea after dinner though, something with just a pinch of caffeine, because I’m dragging and I wanted to get some writing down tonight.
darby, yeah I was really disapointed with Read My Lips too, I thought that it would be a tea with chocolate that I would like.
Tomorow I plan on having more tea, I think I’ll start off with a small pot of Victorian Earl Gray, and if Im still hankering for black tea then Tower of London. Then a green tea like Peachberry Jasmine Sutra (Which I am no longer crazy about, but still got plenty of it and I don’t like wasting tea. Then maybe my Apple Green Tea, (Which I do still like!) I would do a white next but I don’t have many, 1 I plan on drinking tonight, (Blue Moon White.) the other is a sleepy time tea (Lavender Dream.) And if after all of that….I will have a cup of my Zingiber Ginger Coconut, which like the Peachberry I had gotten tired of, but, still got plenty of it.
you wanna trade the Peachberry and Zingiber for some nice Rose Tea?
I oh so love coconut and ginger :)
perks Rose tea? What kind? Do got to warn you about the peachberry though…it is possible that it has gotten stale. Same with the Zingiber. I will follow you if I havn’t already:)
10 teas tasted today, so far, down side is only 3 I will want to keep around, and one of those is discontinued.
WOW Kasumi! That’s alot of tea!
Btw, I’m in too!! Trying to get a few sipdowns, and try a few new things. Sipped down DT’s Fantasy Island and Brazillionaire so far :)
lol managed to have a few cups of tea before the day ends! my Blue Moon White and Strawberry Rose Champagne Oolong. Kind of thinking I’ll have another cup but I probably shouldn’t.
im in. tried Yorkshire Gold, Rose Tea, and now steeping(Pukka) Love at the same time as another steep of the lovely Rose Tea
What did you think of the Yorkshire Gold? I thought it was seriously intense.
besides the 10 teas tasted and logged (not all cups were fully consumed) I also sipped down my blue lotus chai blend (I added Rani chai masala for more spice a while back)
When I re-stock it I will log about it unaltered before adding anything.
I ended up doing this Sunday instead. I had 5 cups, 4 of which finished the cup.
I’m in for today! I have at least 30 samples that I’d like to work on. Even if I can’t finish them, I’ll be one cup closer!
Looking forward to a sipdown part 2 tomorrow! Boyfriend will be home this time, so I’ll stick to sample sizes from companies ;) Monday I can do some more swap samples :)
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