Skysamurai said

Looking for Tea Companies!

Hello tea friends and tea companies!
I wanted to make a website different from what I’ve seen before so I decided to go with the theme of Tea Company Discovery!

I am contacting as many tea companies as I can to interview them, catalog them, and then put all the interview questions in a post just about them! Thus far I’ve had really good responses with only one company saying no thank you and of course those who have decided not to answer at all T_T But for the ones I have received and for those of you that will join me too, I am eternally grateful!

I’ve been e-mailing and contacting companies through FB but I thought reaching out through Steepester would be a good idea too!

Everyone feel free to check out the other companies on the site and also feel free to give me any critiques or comments, etc.

If you have a tea company and wish to join you can just fill out the form below (If I get spam I will report you.)

Company Name:
Location(s) Headquarters :
Company Focus:
Most popular company tea(s)? Is there a specific one you would like me to share on the blog page?
Does the company name have a meaning?
Do you participate in any charities? If so, which one (s)?
What is your (or any of your other co-workers’) favorite tea?
What are your thoughts on transparency in the tea industry?
What role does tea play in our lives?
Social Media: (just let me know which ones you have and I can grab the links)
Anything else you’d like to add?

16 Replies
Dustin said

This looks awesome! I’m already finding a new company I’d like to try. The only improvement I can think of is a way to see a list of companies you can click on to take you directly to that company’s section. They kind of all merge while scrolling down a long page broken up by banners. Either names on a side bar or little squares with their logos?

Skysamurai said

Interesting idea. I’ll see what I can come up with.

Skysamurai said

Oh my word… I’m embarresed. I just noticed it was showing all my posts and somehow my main page got deleted. I had to reset it. Would you go back. Hopefully looks better now

Dustin said

Oh yeah, that looks great! I like the matcha in the bowl on your main header. The colors are so vibrant. The use of the cups for alphabetizing the companies is cute and the being able to choose by country is nice as well!

Skysamurai said

Thank you! And man am I glad you said something!
So I had a thought and I was wondering if you would be willing to tell me if it sounds feasible or dumb lol.
I was thinking of doing tea boxes based on the companies that I’ve interviewed. Yeah or no?

Dustin said

Tea boxes as in sample-ish sizes of companies that you might otherwise have to order in 2oz amounts or more? That sounds awesome, especially if you could order by company. That’s one of the things I like so much about advent calendars is trying a variety from a new company without having to invest a ton and have a cupboard explosion. If that is what you are thinking, it’s probably going to be a lot of work for you repackaging unless you can get the companies to agree to prepackage it for you. You would have to sort out what price point for your labor/time would make it worth it to you and if the market would support that price.

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I really like this idea! Many of those companies are US based so not for me, but it’s very nice to hear those little gossips about them. I would love to see Dobra Tea in the list. I hope they would gladly answer your questions.

Keep asking the companies. I will watch your website now and then :)

Skysamurai said

Thank you Martin!!! Where are you out of? MAybe I can do a focus and hit up tea companies in that area. If you know any personally feel free to hit them up and let them know I’m coming hehe

“Where are you out of?” — ehm, this sounds like a too common English to me! Quick Google search doesn’t help much.

But, I am based in Europe, so if you are able to ask those companies as well, it would be awesome!

For my list I have saved: Postcard teas, Curious Tea, Siam Tea Shop, Attic Teas, Forsman tea and Teemaa.

If only I have some money left (and space *whispers)… I would place the order!

Skysamurai said

^^; Sorry!!! It could also be a MN or midwest thing that I just didn’t really think about until right now. But yea basically, where at you from. =]

Here’s what I have in Europe so far.

I’m definitly going to contact those tea companies!

All honest, I never tried those companies yet. But I have saved them for future reference :) I am from Czech Republic, so… there are a few tea companies too. Let’s try, Dobra Tea are actually from Czech Republic, known here as Dobrá čajovna, Čajová zahrada, and of course lots of bagged tea companies.

And one little bug — Teko link leads to PureChimp.

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Skysamurai said

I’ve changed things up quite a bit since we’ve last posted. Let me know what you guys think

AuntTea said

Thank you very much for your labors. The list and info is very helpful.

Skysamurai said

Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words!

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YatraTeaCo said

Just stumbled upon this…what a neat idea!

Skysamurai said

Thank you! Can I have the honor of interviewing your company so that I may add it too?

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