Looking forward to seeing February theme/fun days..
I already have February ready! I’ll probably post a “sneak peak” of the next theme sometime next week so folks have a little extra time before the 1st to “scavenger hunt”. I won’t switch out the opening post until probably the evening of the 31st/morning of the first, though.
Same here I’ll admit I’ve been checking this thread every day for a February themed days update haha.
Reminder that tomorrow is National Compliment Day! Drink a tea that makes you feel like rainbows and puppies and kittens and warm happies!
Yes! You as well. Lets enjoy the day tomorrow.
I was going to participate in this round, but the white tea I started gongfuing this morning wouldn’t quit until 9 p.m. It lasted around fifteen or sixteen steeps! I can usually do two gongfu sessions on weekends, but not today. I have to say that my inner tea hoarder is not displeased to have avoided parting with anything special. :D
I used to be like that, but have come around to realize hording things isn’t as favorable as drinking them while they are in their “flavor prime.” It can be especially hard with a particular harvest one is found of or a discontinued blend, knowing it can’t be obtained again, but trying to keep it forever and letting it go stale and flavorless seems a bad alternative… now, I’m attempting to drink thinks while they are still tasty!
I also rarely continue gong fu as long as a tea would allow, and instead stop when I’m tired of drinking it and feeling really liquid full, heh.
Mastress Alita, you’re right, it’s better to drink a rare or discontinued tea when it still has some flavour, and I’ve definitely kept some things too long. However, it’s sometimes hard to let go.
I sometimes end a gongfu session before the tea has completely given up, but I was enjoying this one so I steeped it out.
Here is the February Theme and special theme days! These will be updated on the Opening Post (first post of the thread) next Monday, so during the month of February, you won’t have to dig through the thread to find them. This is just a “sneak peak” for those wanting some extra time for the cupboard scavenger hunt elements!
February Theme: Six More Weeks of… – In the age-old tradition of looking to small ground vermin to give weather advice, now Punxsutawney Phil is breaking into tea advice, as well! Are you missing your cozy winter chais, holiday-themed blends, leftover advent calender teas, and other roasty, cozy, and warm winter flavors? Now is your chance for a second round digging into your “winter tea” stash! Or perhaps you are longing for your sweet spring florals, refreshing greens, or the satisfying petrichor notes of April showers? Then feel free to focus on jumping into your favorite “spring teas” early! (Or, feel free to do a mix of both! I hear that groundhog is quite a squirrely fellow, anyway…)
And a few funsy days! Feel free to scavenger hunt through your cupboard and find a cuppa to drink that fits the theme for each of these days!
Monday, February 1st: National Freedom Day / Black History Month – If you have a tea from a black-owned business (check out this highly recommended thread!: https://www.steepster.com/discuss/41383-supporting-black-owned-businesses-tea-companies), drink it today! Alternatively, drink a favorite black tea!
Tuesday, February 9th: National Pizza Day – Drink a tea that includes the flavor notes of one common (albeit controversial is fine!) pizza topping!
Sunday, February 14th: Valentine’s Day – Drink a dessert tea or a tea with cocoa/chocolate flavor notes!
Wednesday, February 17th: Random Acts of Kindness Day – Drink a tea that was kindly gifted to you!
Saturday, February 27th: National Strawberry Day – Drink a strawberry-flavored tea or a tea with strawberry flavor notes!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the start of a new monthly Sipdown theme, and also “National Freedom Day / Black History Month”! Check this thread [ https://www.steepster.com/discuss/41383-supporting-black-owned-businesses-tea-companies ] and drink a tea from a black-owned business if you have one; if you don’t, simply drink a favorite black tea!
February themes are updated on the first post of this thread.
January Sipdowns: 34
February Sipdowns: 30
Yearly Total: 64
New Sipdowns:
Apple Chai by TeaSource (50g package)
Blueberry Matcha by DAVIDsTEA (50g package)
Brandy Oolong by TeaSource (50g package | Reviewed 2 years ago: https://steepster.com/mastressalita/posts/379641 )
Capri Cream by Piper & Leaf Arisan Tea Co. (sampler)
Cherry Bakewell by Bird & Blend Tea Co. (20g sampler)
Cherry Blossom Matcha by DAVIDsTEA (sampler)
Chocola-Tea by Piper & Leaf Artisan Tea Co. (sampler)
Coincidence Black by THEODOR (sampler from Dustin)
Comme Tu Le Sais by THEODOR (sampler from Dustin)
Cotton Candy by DAVIDsTEA (50g tin from Ost)
Enchanted Narnia by Bird & Blend Tea Co. (20g sampler)
Evening in Missoula by TeaSource (50g package | Reviewed 3 years ago: https://steepster.com/mastressalita/posts/376087 )
Front Porch Special by Piper & Leaf Artisan Tea Co. (sampler)
Happiness by Lupicia (single-serve sampler)
Houjicha Soy Latte by Senchasou (100g package; Reviewed 5 months ago: https://steepster.com/mastressalita/posts/407801)
Marco Polo by Mariage Freres (sampler from AJRimmer)
Marie-Antoinette by Nina’s Paris (sampler from Dustin)
Mint Blend Herbal Tea by Simple Truth Organic (20 ct. box of teabags)
Moroccan Mint by Trader Joe’s (20 ct. box of teabags)
Mulled Wine by Arthur Dove Tea Co. (sampler from Dustin)
Oh La La…! by THEODOR (sampler from Dustin)
Petite Ourse by THEODOR (sampler from Dustin)
Pumpkin Pie Matcha by DAVIDsTEA (sampler)
Raspberry Matcha by DAVIDsTEA (50g package)
Sakura Flowers by Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms c/o Yunomi (20g sampler)
Salted Caramel Matcha by DAVIDsTEA (sampler)
Sassyfras Strawberry by Piper & Leaf Artisan Tea Co. (sampler)
Shou Puerh Tuo Cha by Imperial Tea Court (sampler)
Strawberry Split by Bird & Blend Tea Co. (50g package)
Yunnan Lily Black by Rishi Tea (25g package)
Total: Approx. 685g cleared out during February!
I have plastic storage bins and cardboard boxes and metal shelves and tons of tea taking over everywhere… this is just a single package/tin of tea not the sipdown of a tea from my stock. I don’t even have a full inventory of everything.
January Sipdowns: 33
February Sipdowns: 31 (64 total as of 2/21)
2021 total: 64
I usually count each package as a separate sipdown too.
Just a reminder that tomorrow, February 9th, is National Pizza Day! Drink a tea that includes the flavor notes of one common (albeit controversial is fine!) pizza topping!
(Spinachy green or oolong, mushroomy puerh, basil/tulsi leaf, herbs like rosemary/thyme, fruity pineapple tea… Be creative!)
This is such a fun one. :)
@Mastress Alita do you have March planned out yet? I’m a weirdo and like to look ahead for spoilers. :)
I do! I’m not willing to post them more than a week in advance, and I guess I’m surprised to see March is only a week away now. (Oof, I should get to my bills…)
I won’t update the opening post until the final day of February/first of March, but here is the upcoming theme:
March Theme: March Mad(Hatter)ness! – It’s time for the maddest tea party yet! This month, put your teas to the test in a bracket-style tournament to determine which is the Ultimate Sipdown Champion! Start by randomly selecting 16 teas from your stash, and placing them, in no particular order, into this bracket sheet ( https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hacjako1MtrjszfynzwBLG8MdS1mE-APGxvHIo7JcVQ/edit?usp=sharing ). Go through drinking the teas and advance the tea you like best between each pairing onto the next bracket round. Continue until you’ve narrowed it down to a single tea from each side of the bracket going head to head!
And a few funsy days! Feel free to scavenger hunt through your cupboard and find a cuppa to drink that fits the theme for each of these days!
Friday, March 5th: National Day of Unplugging – Drink your favorite tea to relax and unwind!
Saturday, March 13th: National Coconut Torte Day – Drink a coconut tea! (Now is a good time to check for rancid coconut teas and toss them from your cupboard!)
Wednesday, March 17th: St. Patrick’s Day – Drink a green tea or an Irish Breakfast blend!
Sunday, March 21st: National Fragrance Day – Drink a tea with such a nice aroma you can’t help but wiff with each sip!
Tuesday, March 30th: National Virtual Vacation Day – Drink a tea from a country you’d love to visit one day!
You’ve put so much time and effort into this. Thanks so much for doing this for all of us!
Oh cool, I like the bracket idea… now if only I can find that site that randomly picks teas from my cupboard…
tea-sipper: do you have some list of teas? If so, number them and use random.org for choosing random teas :) Or sometimes I use my Steepster cupboard and run random for page number and then for actual tea. I usually sort them out by “most recent” as it doesn’t do any repetitions.
Not sure if it will help you… but “it’s something” ;)
Thanks Martin! I know a LOOONNNGGGG time ago there was a steepster cupboard randomizer. I just probably won’t find it now. But I will do what you mentioned and pick a page and a number to pick the teas.
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