celestial seasonings' canadian vanilla maple tea
Hey all—
Just discovered this type today. Of course, after I finished off the box I found in the cupboards, I found out it’s one of my housemate’s favorites, and she had been saving it since it was discontinued! (I hadn’t been aware of this before, otherwise I would have never touched it…)
Anyway, I wonder if there are any ideas floating around of how to come by this or something similar? I am thinking of trying to make my own maple crystals and getting some of the Madagascar Vanilla Rooibos tea to see if that compares, but if not, I am afraid I am out of ideas. Does anyone know any other brand with a flavor that comes close to this one, or know possibly where to get another box?
Thank you!
Do you have a DavidsTea nearby? If not, I would still order her a tin of “Oh Canada” and a bunch of teasacs Online, so she can make her own bagged tea with the sweet canadian maple rooibos that is Oh Canada!
I clicked on this persons profile and it wasn’t there anymore! Eeeek! I would have loved to follow them!
DaisyChubb – google tells me that DavidsTea is a Canadian-based business, so I don’t think there would be a store nearby. I am in Boulder, CO at the moment, much closer to the Celestial Seasonings home base. :) I’ll have to bookmark that business since I see they do online sales and find out!
TeaEqualsBliss – were you trying to look at my profile? Uh oh, technology….
Anyway, honey vanilla chai purchased. Let the experiment begin!
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