US Multi-Company Destash
I hope this is allowed. Tea CYO!
Shipping to the US only.
I will be shipping flat rate, starting at $8 for a padded flat rate envelope.
$20 minimum.
$5 off for every $50 you spend.
Lots of extras will be included!
Open unless otherwise noted.
Everything is listed below retail, I just have more tea than I can get through in a lifetime, and need to downsize.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of the brands/flavors.
Sleigh Ride sealed 2oz- $4
Butterfly jasmine sealed 2oz- $18
Ceremonial Matcha sealed 2oz-$18
Juniper Joy 1.75oz- $6
Butterfly Jasmine 4oz (can be broken down into 1oz increments)- $8/oz (will be transferred from tin)
Ginger Turmeric Tonic 6oz- $10 (will be transferred from tin)
Bird and Blend:
Rice Moo-long sealed 1.76oz x2- $7 each
Purple Rain 1.75oz- $6
Fairy Dust .6oz- $1
The End of Carrotcake 1oz- $4
Children of the Candycorn .75oz- $3
Whispering Pines:
Meadowlark .4oz- $5
Blue Sage Shoes 3oz- $5 (will be transferred from box)
Purple Leaf Tea 1.5oz- $3
Sticky Ruce Puer 1.4oz- $3
Vahdam Teas:
Culinary Grade Matcha .5oz- $2
Mint Matcha sealed .75oz- $3
Yunomi Japan:
Kabocha Flavored Hojicha from Ocharaka Tea Shop .6oz-$5
A Quarter to Tea:
Cottontail .4oz- $1
Mermaid Green Tea sealed .5oz- $3
Alice’s Tea sealed .4oz- $3
I Drink and I Know Things sealed .5oz- $3
Highgarden sealed .5oz- $3
The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors 1.5oz- $5
I can do paypal payment for these:
Just Beet It 2.75oz- $8
Butterbotch 1.15oz-$4
Decaf Vanilla Comoro 4oz tin, 80% full- $4
Lunar New Year tin full of 30 sachets, 25 remaining- $5
Huangsshan Mao Feng .4oz- $3
I’d rather not have the tins as that will make it easier to ship.
Sounds good! It’ll be $32 including shipping. If you’d like to PM me your PayPal email, I can send over an itemized invoice and have your package out today.
oh man rice moolong.
Don’t forget, you could include some of these in the Samurai teabox when it rolls around? (Especially some rice moolong. haha)
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