Unable to add a new tea...
I did report this to the guys…but…here is what I emailed them!
They’ve fixed the other issues we’ve been having, too!
Hi again! Sorry to keep bothering you! LOL :)
I have been trying to add a new Upton Tea for the past hour and I put everything in as usual and it ‘times out’ or this…
Someone forgot to turn off the kettle. Check back later or try one of these:
Go back to the previous page Drop us a noteOk…I actually added it but didn’t insert a description or picture and it seemed to work – just a heads up!
I just added a new tea and the description works fine but the picture won’t load. :( Not sure if yours worked earlier?
Seems to be working now :D
Let us know if there are any more problems.
I just tried to add a new tea and it said there is already a tea with that name. So I typed the name into the search bar and nothing came up. Also pictures are still not working :( Now I can’t post at all.
I have 64 new notices and I can see them. I emailed the Steepster-Gurus about it :(
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