Pay-it-forward Karma Tea Swap
Looks like people are interested in a Karma Tea Swap!
It works like this:
- Someone posts “I have item A up for grabs, who wants it?”
- Someone else posts “Ooh, I’d like item A please! I have item B to offer!
- Another party says, “Item B looks great to me! I’ll offer up item C!”
And so on and so forth… Since you don’t get something back directly, that’s where the karma part comes in. Someone else will get your item and pass the gift along in the form of another gift to someone else. This way, people can offer up tea or tea related items that they’re not interested in anymore, and items can make their way to people who will love them.
As soon as you post ”I’d like X,” you send a message with your address to the person who was offering X so that they can send it to you. (Post first so that we don’t run into the problem of multiple people claiming one gift – if you happen to post and discover that someone else was quicker, be nice and clear your later post and play again later.) Feel free to play more than once as long as you’re not dominating the field! Don’t worry too much about making sure your offer “matches” the value of the gift you’re claiming – the idea here is to pass along stuff you won’t use to people who will – if you keep offering soggy used tea bags, however, we’ll probably catch on to you!
We do have folks here from all over the world. Don’t worry that you might not be able to afford shipping if someone in another country claims your gift – if shipping internationally would be a hardship for you, just put “Domestic Shipping to your country only, please!” in your offer post.
So….The Simple Rules:
- Don’t hog ‘em all. Let others play too.
- POST first, message second.
- If you can NOT ship internationally, specify that in your item offer.
- Send the items you promise to send. (this should be a no-brainer, right?)
And now I’ll go post an offer to start us off!
Ummm… maybe it’s cuz it’s early and I’m cold, but you lost me… I’ll go chug some matcha and try to figure this out again:)
Okay, here we go!
I will offer:
3 bags of Bedouin Chai from Wissotzky
3 bags of White Asian Plum from Salada
3 bags of Peppermint from Ceremonie
3 bags of Organic Earl Grey from Heredia
a few oz. of loose Yogurt/Melon blend from Ava
a few oz. of Rooibos Provence from Totalitea
and…some vanilla halvah (goes great with tea)
pick me!
I know it’s not much but Banana Black Tea – 3 scoops
oh and a bunch of teabags (8) – Mighty Leaf African Amber Organic
Who wants? (reply here then PM me)
Update, to hopefully sweeten the deal?
4 teabags The Republic of Tea Teabag Herbal Tea ‘Hot Apple Cider Tea’
6 teaspoons 52teas Loose Leaf Red Tea ‘Raspberry Cream Cheese Danish Honeybush’
Meghann M
I would love to try the Teavana Thai Tea Blend if it is available?
I have up for grabs:
4 scoops of Golden Moon’s Coconut Pouchong
1 full sampler minus one tsp of Adagio Spiced Apple Chai – No longer available (Claimed!)
1 full sampler minus one tsp of Adagio Pisces
SoccerMom, I think you have to claim the whole lot. Is that right chana? It seems really confusing if a person just takes one thing.
Yes, you take the lot….if there’s something you don’t like you can always “re-gift” it. Or if there’s something that maybe you’re allergic to, or whatever, when you message the person you can ask for something else instead, or different quantities. But in general, the claim is for the stash as offered.
SoccerMom (edited), I’d love to grab your 4 scoops of Golden Moon’s Coconut Pouchong!
I have available:
Celestial Seasonings Earl Grey – whole unopened box,
Yogi Green Tea Kombucha – box less one teabag,
Celestial Seasoning Green Vanilla Thai Chai – 3 teabags,
RoT People’s Green – 5 teabags (there may be 6, if so, I’ll throw that in)
Next up choose some or one!
Remember to follow the person that accepts your lot so they can PM you with their address.
Wow I love the idea! Questions – Will tea wares be included? I have some small cups that can be given out. Besides, should the one who claims an item reply to the thread or to the specific post? And the same one, when offering her own item, should she post to the thread or the specific post where she claims items? Or it doesn’t matter?
My opinion is that they should post here to claim then send a PM to give address info. That way we know what’s claimed.
Ooo, that’s a great idea. I have a teapot or two that I could swap—I’ve collected far too many. I have to move and am too old to carry all of them!
I’ll include pics if someone is interested.
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