Calling all Toronto Steepsters!

Hey all!
Has anyone else seen this promo? would any of you be interested in going? It looks like a very grand afternoon. I would LOVE to go if I had some company. Lookin at choo Sil and Kittenna!!
I’m not sure who else is local to Toronto…?

50% Off Museum Tour, Afternoon Tea, and Musical Performances ($22-$160 Value) Courtesy of Neapolitan Connection Concert

6 Replies
sherubtse said

Here is another event for T.O. Steepsters:

Best wishes,

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whaaaaat!? I’m part of the tea guild. I didn’t know the date was decided. Oh well, good to know!

Sil select said

the website is seriously a work in progress atm.

sherubtse said

Sorry to startle you, Indigobloom!

And yes, the website is till under construction. But considering that the event is not scheduled until next February, this is understandable.

It will be interesting to see what comes of this ….

Best wishes,

Sil. Yeah it is. but… it is loads better than it was/the tea guild site! (integrated by now? I’ll find out at the agm in a few weeks)

Sherubtse, true! hope to see you there :)

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sherubtse said

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