Mix and Match Teas Anyone?
Hi Everyone I am new to Steepsters, what a great site! I am a big time tea lover!!!
I have a question that I have been thinking about:
Would anyone be interested in tea sold at the grocery store where you can mix and match flavours (kind of like Adiago tea). So my idea is you would buy the individual flavours you like (like blueberry, caramel, lemon, ect) and each cup of tea you could add which ever flavour bag you wanted. That way you wouldn’t get stuck with a big container of mixed flavours (like when you buy from Adiago).
Actually, I think that would be really cool!
I have so many tea boxes it my kitchen of random flavors I think it would be good to have all the good standard flavors that I can mix and match how ever I feel, when ever I want – have them all nicely arranged like my very own little store. And not being stuck with a big tin from agiago!
A grocery store near where I live has something like that. It has big canisters of different kinds of tea all in a row. You can scoop out however much you want and put it into individual bags.
Really, that sounds awesome. Which store is it is you dont mind me asking. I wonder if it is in Canada – I havent come across anything like that in our stores :(.
So Erin, I guess the question is: would you rather scoop yourself or take hone prepackaged flavors you could match at home. I kinda think i would rather buy a cherry box, and a lime box, and like a vanilla box, birng them home and have like cherry-lime one day, and then like lime vanilla the next day. what would you prefer to do?
The store is called Central Market, it’s kind of like Whole Foods only not as awesome. I’m pretty sure they’re only in Texas, though.
I would also rather buy the prepackaged stuff, but only if they’re in a tin instead of a bag and only if they come in small packages. One of the things that I like about scooping the tea myself is that I can pick how much I want, and therefore pick how much I want to spend. If they only sold large boxes, count me out.
yeah, thats what i was thinking. if only the stores sold like smaller bags so that i would combine like three little bags to make one totally awesome flavour. and then like i talking about before, not be stuck with bulk mixed flavor. thats kinda too much for one person (then i again i think i drink enough tea for five people :) ). I live in canada too and i cant say i’ve ever head of that store. too bad. Oh well, maybe i’ll have to start my own tea company ;)
I agree that it would be great if more stores sold tea the way that health food stores sell grains and beans, so you could buy just as much as you want and blend at will. In NYC, Kalustyan’s (an international food and spice shop with an accent on products from the Middle East) has bins of loose tea that you bag yourself. They’re upstairs, along with a nice selection of packaged teas and kitchenware.
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