I'm visiting NYC!!! Where should I go for tea? Suggestions!
Hey everyone! Sorry for my. Brief absence! I have been busy working out my trip to come to NYC because I was invited to the race director’s program for the marathon. Sadly, yesterday the marathon was cancelled… It was heart breaking to see so many train for an entire year and then not have their race. People are here to run from all over the world! I understand the reason that it was decided to be cancelled, but still my heart breaks for everyone who prepared so arduously for an entire year, just to arrive and have it cancelled…
On a positive note, I now have a whole lot of time to shop and go visit tea places! Any suggestions? I was in Kusmi and David’s Tea yesterday. Let me know if there are particular teas as well as places that I should try!
PS. I am glad this craziness is over and I am back on Steepster. I hope that everyone
Who was affected by Hurricane Sandy is OK! My best positive thoughts and wishes go out to you!
Hi Ninavampi, I always try to get to harney’s in soho on Broome st. I love their Earl Grey Extra.
There was a similiar thread not long ago but I can’t seem to locate it right now.
hmm… well, here’s my usual suggestions!
Harney & Sons (free tastings!)
Unfortunately a lot of tea places in NYC are down in Lower Manhattan which is of course just now getting power back, and some have sustained a lot of damage (like Sanctuary T in Soho). I will second Dixie_Amazon’s suggestion of trying to call places first to see if they are open.
Looks like Harney Soho is open this weekend as per their blog. It might also be worth wandering around Chinatown to see if places are open there. I have also heard Radiance Tea House is great and it is up on 55th street, so that’s definitely someplace you could go.
David’s Tea now has stores in Manhattan (at least one in mid-town). I keep meaning to get there when I go into the city.
I don’t know really anything about New York, let alone NYC so have no idea if you’d be able to get to this place:
Alice’s Tea Cup (www.alicesteacup.com ) I love looking at the website, looks like such a fun shop to visit. They have 3 locations so I’m sure at least 1 would be open by now. Hopefully this doesn’t come to late! And please come back and tell us about your trip:)
There’s a tea shoppe with attached grocery in Manhattan called “Tea & Sympathy.” It’s a lovely place run by a very uppity woman who is so pro-British that her main goals are to introduce every single American to British cuisine and stomping out the indecency of adding ice to tea. Quite the woman actually.
I’ve been working on compiling a list. You can see it on FourSquare here:
Of those listed, Harney & Sons and Radiance Tea and Books are my favorites.
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