Maitri said

Does anyone remember "Unicorn Poop" tea from Southern Boys Teas?

I used to have a huge stash of tea but in 2014 my house burned down and I lost everything. I am just now beginning to buy teas again and one that I was looking for was Unicorn Poop Tea that was produced by Southern Boys Teas which is no longer in business. He sold his business to a mother and daughter whose tea company is now called 52 Teas and she said that was not a blend they got with the company and she has no idea what was in it. Does anyone remember this tea and know what was in it? I would be so grateful to find out. Also I was devasted to find that one of my favorite tea companies that had my favorite teas, Mighty Leaf, seems to have gone out of business. Oy. What a disappointment. I am trying to find old teas I loved and not having a lot of luck…

If you remember this tea (I also adored one from Mighty Leaf called Chocolate Mayan Truffle, I believe it was called. I loved it so much.) I would appreciate hearing from you.

Blessings and Happy Tea Times to one and all…


13 Replies

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry about your house, Maitri. That is terrible. I can’t imagine. Unfortunately, I don’t remember Frank’s blend of Unicorn Poop at all. I must have missed it! I also never really tried Mighty Leaf teas. I hope you find some new tea shops and teas that you love.

Maitri said

Thanks so much Tea-Sipper. Today I ordered tea samples from 52 Teas, a couple of teas from a company I am very intrigued by, August Uncommon Tea, and looking at a Chocolate Chai from California Tea House. What are your favorite tea companies? (I also miss American Tea Room who produced one of my favorite teas ever, “Brioche.”) I am shocked by how many favorite tea companies have gone out of business in a few short years. So sad…

Yes, it seems that many tea companies have closed recently. It’s too bad. 52Teas is a good choice. I haven’t tried August Uncommon. I LOVED California Tea House’s Vienna blend years ago… I wish they still had it.
I think Simpson and Vail’s ( Almond Sugar Cookie tea is VERY similar to the Brioche blend, if not the same. S&V is also one of my favorite tea shops! Otherwise, for shops that are still around, I love Teavivre,, and I’ve also been trying a ton of delicious samples from recently. I know I’m forgetting some great places…

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Also, it’s great to have a long time Steepsterer back! You were here so long ago, I wasn’t even following you and I’ve been here a WHILE. You are now #400 that I’m following. :D

Maitri said

Thank you so much. I am honored to be on your list!

Maitri said

Thank you for the recommendations Tea-Sipper. And oddly there was no reply button after your comment so I hope you find this! The almond sugar cookie sounds very like Brioche so I’ll check it out and I will check out the other places too! :)

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Maitri said

Thank you for the recommendations Tea-Sipper. And oddly there was no reply button after your comment so I hope you find this! The almond sugar cookie sounds very like Brioche so I’ll check it out and I will check out the other places too! :)

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Dustin said

From what I gathered, ATR was one of those places that bought and resold tea from a large distributor as opposed to sourcing or blending their own, so it’s possible that you will be able to find the exact same teas from another company.
I have really been enjoying A Quarter To Tea blends, if you are looking for another company with unique blends to check out.

Maitri said

Thanks Dustin I’ll look into A Quarter To Tea but the Unicorn Poop tea I mentioned came from Southern Boys teas and it was a proprietary blend. “52 Teas” bought that part of their company and the owner told me that Southern Boys stayed in business for awhile with their proprietary teas and then sold the lot to someone 5 years ago but she didn’t know who and those teas haven’t surfaced? I hope they will some time. :)

Maitri said

Dustin I went to A Quarter To Tea and the last note in 2017 explains why they were shutting down. Alas another one bites the dust….

Dustin said

I was referring to the ATR Brioche you were mentioning. I swear I’ve run into that tea from other vendors. No clue on where to look for Frank and SBT. :/
It looks like A Quarter To Tea’s website is still active, although the Etsy sight is on break right now. I haven’t purchased from her in a little while since I’m on a tea buying ban, but I last ordered no more than a year ago.

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Maitri said

Thanks Dustin, I appreciate your suggestions. I’ll check and see if I can find Brioche elsewhere!

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Arby said

Is this the Mighty Leaf you mean? They are still selling and have become one of the most popular whole leaf cafe teas where I am. They used to have a tea called Chocolate mint truffle but they no longer make it. It was the BEST chocolate/mint rooibos I have ever had, no other company makes one as good. I feel your loss.

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