Tea Companies that take PayPal
I’d like to get a collection of tea companies that take PayPal. Which companies do you know that take PayPal payments?
Janefan, you beat me to it. LOL. We take Paypal on 52teas.com and manteas.com
While we are on the subject, can I ask your reasons for preferring Paypal?
I have to admit that early on, I was extremely reluctant to accept Paypal payments. Paypal settlement fees are considerably higher than those we pay to process credit cards.
BTW – any chance I can get a discount on shipping since I’m in KC? :) If you weren’t only open on Tuesdays, I’d come check out the actual storefront sometime…
Well, we actually offer free shipping to the US and Canada on 52teas, and just a flat $4.99 on ManTeas. I’m afraid since we use USPS First Class Mail, it costs us the same amount to you in KC as it does to ship to a customer in Alaska.
I like paypal for the same reason really: it stores all my credit cards and i dont’ need to have them on me
as a seller i know the fees suck and i end up having to mark up all my products to cover it, but convenience is key
AmazonV I am confused. I don’t use paypal and i also dont store credit card numbers my merchant does.
@jade teapot – as a consumer-paypal stores all my cards
but also, as a seller, if you use a traditional ecommerce platform without tokenization (paypal and google etc offer token services) you do end up storing the credit card for a limited amount of time so that you can do refunds etc. For example: Microsoft Commerce server – if you are not using a tokenization process and go directly against a credit card processor (for example, elavon) you do store an excrpted copy of the credit card for a certain amount of time so you can issue a refund or adjustment against the card. in the cases you have used a token you offer the toekn with the adjustment request and the token company then passed the credit card to the credit card processor. Tokens are the more modern technology but are not an option with all banks. When you work with over 300 different banks (we create ecomemrce websites for 100’s of clients and host them) you have to work with what your options are. And yes that is PCI compliant, tokens are just preferred.
Ok I see where your comming from. Why would anyone want to store credit cards when you dont have to. I use authorize.net they do it all for me.
This is going to sound silly, but I don’t always have my wallet with me (I forget it at home, and I don’t have to drive, so it doesn’t matter), but I do always know my password. So if I was at work, I could buy tea without having the credit cards.
Plus, I have some money in my account.. ;)
We currently are using Paypal. We like it because its pretty inexpensive, accepts most credit cards, and its real easy to print shipping labels after an order is placed.
That’s pretty much the same reasons we use paypal. Besides, paypal has unbeatable security for buyers. Some buyers would worry about using their credit card on an unknown website. But paypal is trusted by most people :D
I hate the paypal fee too. Maybe some day google checkout can get more popular and useful :D
Wombatgirl, It’s not silly- Sometimes I don’t have my credit card and I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t quite memorize the number. And I like paypal because I can keep track… I don’t always feel safe entering my credit card info for my first purchase.
" I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t quite memorize the number"… Do people really memorize their credit card number(s)?
This one I will confess to, yes, I have memorized all the pertinent data for my mastercard and yes, having done that, I find myself using it more often than maybe I should … lol! However, the number was soooo easy to remember (it held numbers in it’s sequence that meant alot to me personally) so that helps in memorization.
Yes, I memorized my number, except that for my new credit card, I remember the four bunches… but not in order. So I have to swtich’em around.
I am actually embarrassed to say for one time period I could memorize 2 of my credit card numbers (because discover card is not accepted by all), yep, 2 sets of 16 digits. That’s when I realized I did too much online shopping :P Memorizing one’s card number is not a good symptom.
TeaFrog.com Offers PayPal – we love it because you are not required to have a PayPal account, and you can still pay with a CC. Downside is that is not a very “prominent” message to find on PP when you head there to pay. Upside is for Web-only transactions, the discounts are competitive, no monthly fees, and customers have name recognition and instant trust with PP.
Yeah paypal is handy for me because I dont use a actual credit card and I also use moneyorders. thenecessiteas.com teaguys.com accept paypal.
I had to look it up since I usually do my purchasing in conjunction with attending one of their teas. It reads: Online purchases from www.annateashop.com must be made using MasterCard, Visa or Paypal.
Thanks wombatgirl. Now I can’t stop thinking about all the things I “almost” bought last Sat. afternoon. Such temptation!
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