just wondering if teavana uses articial flavors. the website just says flavoring?
There’s a few people here who work there so they might know!
It probably depends on the tea, each blend is different, but it wouldn’t hurt to email them as well:
If you’re near a store that new pamphlet for the nutrition facts might have the information.
I would assume artificial unless it specifically states natural flavoring. Natural flavoring is more expensive and generally seen as a positive, so there would be no reason not to mention that the flavoring is natural if it is.
I can’t speak for Teavana, but from what I know, some common added flavors aren’t really natural.
If you don’t want to risk it drink unflavored teas instead. That’s what I always do.
thanks. I’ve emailed them for more info. If you have suggestions on where i can online order teas in Canada that only uses natural ingredients, I’d appreciate some. :)
I’m somewhat new to looseleaf, and the only place close by is Davids tea.
We use natural ingredients and flavorings and organics when possible (but are in the process of switching all of our flavorings to organic). We are based out of US but have reasonable Canadian shipping rates. http://www.butikiteas.com/Shipping.html
Natural and artificial flavorings… i get asked about this a lot.
Natural flavoring lets say mango can be made of numerous flavor compounds to replicate the mango flavor, it could have banana, apple, orange and numerous other natural compounds to replicate the mango flavor exact formula are closely guarded secrets. These compounds are then added to a base usually ethyl alcohol or glycerin so they can be applied, in the case of tea ethyl alcohol is normal as it can be applied then the alcohol quickly evaporates leaving just the flavoring behind.
Artificial flavorings work in a similar fashion, except chemist look at whatever flavoring compound they are looking to replicate and then synthesis that compound. That is then added to a base.
Hope this was somewhat helpful i know it was not really asked, but more information is always better!
Very thorough explanation, thank you Tea Merchant.
I just thought of something. If a flavor is replicated by using other flavors from different fruits, how can it be considered natural?
I mean, in your example you use other compounds instead of the natural mango compounds, wouldn’t the resulting mango flavor be considered artificial?
@Ricardo – it is still considered natural flavouring, even though it isn’t a mango compound. That is where the division between natural and artificial flavouring can get sticky (at least for me). Sometimes I like to remember that natural doesn’t ALWAYS mean healthy or accurate. There are many natural poisons, doesn’t mean I want them on my tea :D
I was told today they are natural flavoring. I’m going to try to find out more since I know artificial/natural flavorings are a concern of people, but all anyone has to say is flavoring. Labeling requirements just mean all you have to say is “flavoring” so at least they go beyond and even say what the flavors are.
I don’t think most people complaining about “artificial flavours” even know what that means. And I’m personally tired of hearing people complain about the inclusion of an ingredient they know nothing about, or why they’re complaining. They might as well complain that there’s angel fluff in their tea; they know as much about it.
My standard response is: if you really care (for whatever reason), stick to straight tea. There’s a million flavours of straight tea that can be really mind-blowing. I can suggest Verdant Teas as a start, they’re online.
That’s precisely why people complain about artificial flavors, because they don’t know much about them. More information on the subject would benefit everyone.
I stick to straight tea too, why flavor the already superb taste of natural tea?
the inclusion of anything artificial in anything I eat or drink concerns me, especially when the listed ingredients are misleading. I’m sure most people want to know exactly what they are putting into their bodies, especially things they do not know much about. And if they can find teas that don’t include artificial flavorings, they can enjoy all types of teas. Companies claim that they use these artificial flavors to make their tea more consistent in taste from one bag to the next, although im sure a lot of people don’t really are if there are subtle differences. It’s all just very misleading, and that’s whta bothers me the most about these companies.
I think any question about ingredients is valid. Especially for people new to tea drinking!
@jhawkes – If it’s not outright poisonous, no, I don’t give half a damn what I put in my body; and most people I know don’t seem to either, or they wouldn’t eat or drink anything they didn’t make themselves.
Your reply pretty much proves my point here. You’re concerned about “anything artificial,” but you haven’t stated any reasonable argument as to why. Can you provide a reason for your concern that is based on science and not vague paranoia?
Daniel, have you heard about P-4000, dulcin and cyclamate?
Those artificial sweeteners where banned by the FDA, but unfortunately this was done after many years of use.
Why risk it?
Because I have a little more faith in modern testing for toxicity than I would have in the 50s and 60s, I’m afraid.
here’s what teavana responded with…
Thank you for contacting Teavana. Our teas contain artificial flavoring. Being that the ingredients used to flavor our teas are not grown with the tea leaves and not a natural flavor of the tea leaves, we have to list the flavors as artificial. All ingredients used to flavor the teas are derived from natural sources. Ingredients for all teas are listed under each tea when selected. Also, ingredients can be viewed by accessing our “tea wall” on the Teavana website. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for being a Teavana customer
I thank Teavana for the honest response regarding flavoring.
However, I looked at the tea wall in their website and didn’t see the ingredients listed.
Perhaps I’m missing something?
You have to go to the teas then open the ingredients tab, the tea wall covers some of them, but not all of them. For those, you have to click it to make it turn around.
Oh, I see. The tea wall section just has pictures of the tea but no list. The ingredient lists are elsewhere in each tea’s own page.
Yes, the ones I looked at mention flavorings.
Thank you Amanda.
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