I love reading about the shows you like! I love to read, but my husband grew up watching TV with his family before bed, so it is a way for him to relax at the end of the day, so this gets my nose out of a book for sure.
Parks and Recreation (love this show!)
30 Rock
The Office
How I Met Your Mother
Big Bang Theory
The Middle
King of Queens
(in no particular order)
Eureka (Why am I so addicted to this show? Eureka is like this little world I keep returning to: Ah, there’s Henry with his cap on backwards!)
Star Trek (has anyone given Enterprise a chance, after the first awful intro song and first awkward season? And does anyone else watch an episode of Next Generation and then go to Fashion it So (Tumblr) to look at the entry about that episode. So fun!)
Dr Who
Warehouse 13
Downton Abbey…
Watching the premier of Season 3 of Downton Abbey tonight, drinking Black Dragon Pearl.
Has anyone else been sucked into this? I am also watching the entirety of Upstairs, Downstairs series on Netflix….
LOVE Downton Abbey! I DVR’d tonights episode because we had company over, but I plan on watching it tomorrow after class when it’s nice and quiet at home. I have Upstairs, Downstairs in my Netflix queue. Is it based on the book, I wonder? I read a book from the library with the same name?
Ok so did anyone see the latest episode of Masterchef where Gordon Ramsey was supposed to be competing with the contestants. They had 60 min to make a fish dish. And Gordon Ramsey made a pot of tea and just drank it for 40 minutes, then pulled off this awesome looking dish that looked better than everyone else’s in the last 20 minutes of the competition. I was drinking a spicey herbal blend at the time but I imagined he was probably drinking earl grey or PG tips or something and it made me crave an English-type tea.
My favorite TV shows are Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory (Sheldon Cooper is my spirit animal), Deadliest Catch, Downton Abbey and Shameless. I used to watch Grey’s but my favorite couple got ko’d so I stopped watching that. I also tend to mainline tea throughout all those shows because most of them are so stress inducing.
I’m a horror move fan that on average watches 2 films a day which doesn’t leave much time for tv. There are a few that I record to watch at a later date.
Glee (as embarrasing as it is to admit it)
Nurse Jackie
The Walking Dead
Sons Of Anarchy
Modern Family
Big Bang Theory
Can’t think of any more off the top of my head that I am currently watching but I do watch old shows like Scrubs, Life On Mars, Lie To Me, Hex etc.
Bitten is a new series that is coming this fall (I think) based on the novels by Kelley Armstrong. Oh and did I mention Kelley Armstrong will be in Winnipeg in Sept? sooo getting my book signed :D
I watched the first season of Cracked and damnit now I have to wait for the next season. It’s a Canadian show and it is AWESOME!! first season is on Canadian Netflix :D
YAAY Supernatural got added to Canadian Netflix (8 seasons) also they put up the second season of D-Gray Man!!
I actually started getting interested in the Walking Dead although I found the first season and a bit of the second season really boring. I love Darryl though.
Orange is the new black is really good :D
Oh I also like Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and I’m exploring the crunchyroll app for more anime :D
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