The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah. I’m having a hard time putting it down.
Now reading the final book in the Infernal Devices trilogy, Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. I love how she writes. When you read it feels like you’re watching a movie. At times, it feels like an anime. Either way, very visual.
The reviews for this on Good Reads are hilarious.
Oh my gosh those reviews are priceless!
I’m diving into Red (the second of the Circle trilogy by Ted Dekker). I’ve read them before and loved them but wanted to re-read before going into the newest release (Green) which is supposed to complete the circle.
Also been reading a lot of Stuart McLean again lately, just finished Secrets from the Vinyl Cafe last night. And I have the third Derrick Storm novel on my phone from the library. Those are super short though, so it should be easy. :)
Currently reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Such a good book I highly recommend it.
I really enjoyed that one, though sadly I didn’t catch all the references. I was born slightly too late for some of them, but still thought it was a great read.
I’m a 90’s baby so I’m in the same boat as you but some I catch and others I search online. Now I have a list of movies I need to watch because of this book!
If you havn’t, check out Cory Doctorow’s Pirate Cinema, the lead character has the same teen rebel feel as Wade, and it’s futuristic/semi dystopic. Havn’t read any other of Doctorow’s stuff but will soon.
Fanfiction. Lots and lots of fanfiction. Types and fandoms available upon request.
Starfevre, I am so impressed! I would love to read what you have written!
Meh, what I’ve written is crap. And all unfinished. I do love to read it though.
me too, i don’t write but i like to read it. it’s a guilty pleasure.
sherlock, hobbit, batman universe, wallander, supernatural, dr who, smallville/arrow, yadda yadda yadda…i said hobbit already right?
+1 for this. XD
I don’t seem to go a day without reading a fic or 6 eventually. Hobbit mostly since I’m in that ‘stage’ at the moment, but I dabble in so many others depending on my mood. Lol!
I read a lot of fan fiction too haha.
i started this thread so as not to annoy, shock, or disturb non fan fic readers with our possible mentionings of mpreg, alpha/beta/omega, songfic, RPS, kidfic, tentacle p0rn, or bizzare crossovers.
thank you for playing!
Omg…tentacle porn….I have a facination with that stuff. Heh.
The Edible History one sounds good. :)
i’m TOTALLY buying the 100 Years of Cinema one for my boyfriend.
I am definitely going to check out the 100 years of cinema one too. :-)
Kafka’s “Die Verwandlung.” (English: The Metamorphoses). Assigned reading for a class. Could probably finish it in a single day if I wasn’t reading it in German. lol. In between homework and assigned reading I’m also reading Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” The problem with tea and books, I find, is that I sometimes forget to drink the tea while I am reading (^o^)
Right now I’m in the last 1/3 of Magic Slays (Ilona Andrews) that’s been traveling with me to work at the moment, A Tiger in the Kitchen (Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan) and/or whatever tea book I happen to grab from my pile (currently A Taste of Tea by Brian Glover)to read after work/before bed.
After I finish Magic Slays I’m hoping to get my hands on Patricia Briggs’ newest Mercy Thompson book Frost Burned, or maybe I’ll read the Hobbit again….Too many books to choose from and I really should pick something I haven’t yet read from my rather overstuffed shelves. Lol.
Love the Mercy Thompson books! I’ve got the new one on the way. Can’t wait to have time to read it.
They’re great, though I don’t care too much for Briggs’ Alpha & Omega stuff. Dunno why since I love her writing….I really should start the Mercy series from the beginning before reading the newest one. Which I can actually do since I couldn’t put down Magic Slays last night and finished it at 4 in the morning. Lol!
Yeah. Alpha & Omega were a little less gripping for me. I still enjoyed them, but they didn’t really stick with me.
Right now I am working through the beast that is Under the Dome by Stephen King. I am trying to finish it before the TV series starts in June. I just started it so no opinions on it yet. Also reading Drop Dead Healthy by AJ Jacobs a very entertaining read so far hearing him trying out all the crazy health fads and finding out which ones actually work.
Haven’t read any of A.J. Jacobs’ books, but he does a monthly column for Mental Floss that’s always snicker-worthy.
His books are the same way. I never thought I would be laughing at a book about health. But he loves being a human guinea pig lol
I like AJ Jacobs’ stuff. I think I have read all his books now though I preferred his earlier ones. Somehow he got a bit too smug/self-referential for me. I think I liked the Guinea Pig Diaries the best, dipping in and out of the different things he has done. Funny stuff though!
Still nursing Downton Abbey withdrawal by working my way (slightly out of order) through a WWI-based series by Anne Perry. About halfway through the first one, No Graves As Yet. Mystery with a little international intrigue, and, of course, adequate references to tea, even in the trenches of Ypres.
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