Tea & Books - What are you reading?
Just started to re-read the Harry Potter series, not sure why but I was like I need to read this again.
OMG, I am having the same feeling! I think for me it’s a combination of:
- J.K. Rowling’s first adult novel being released
- Emma Watson starring in a non-HP film (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
- Me not being able to remember Ron Weasley’s name the other day
After all that, especially the last one, I was like umm…no, forgetting a main character’s name is unacceptable. Must read the books again!
My Grandson (age 11) were reading the Harry Potter books. He had a head start, & as he would finish a book he would loan it to me so I could read it. Something happened when we got to book #5. He was taking forever to finish it, so I started reading something else. That was months ago. Of course, I’ve seen all the movies more than once. Maybe I should just request it at the library, after I finish the current series I’m on, that is.
A Viking romance novel and The Lucifer Effect non-fiction.
TLE surprised me. I saw that it looked interesting from the description on Amazon, but I didn’t know until I started reading it that it’s by the lead researcher and creator of the Standford Prison Experiment who was also part of the legal proceedings for the Abu Ghraib incidence. The book starts with a detailed first-person account of the SPE. Very interesting!
Finally finished a Feast of Crows – I don’t have a copy of Dance with Dragons yet so I think I’ll move onto something from my backlog…that’s a pretty long list of books though.
awww… I hope you get hold of a copy soon :D until then there are many other books with which to spend hours on :D
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Janie Ford. set in the ethnic neighborhoods of Seattle during World War II and in Japanese American internment camps. Tea and books are a wonderful combo!
Ended up starting The Tower, The Zoo & The Tortoise by Julia Stuart. So far I’m really enjoying it – it puts me in mind of Alexander McCall Smith in terms of characters and setup of plot. There is a precis at the beginning of the characters involved which amused me.
Currently reading A Discovery of Witches & Raven Black.
I loved A Discovery of Witches, & the sequel to it! I’m not sure when the 3rd book of that Trilogy is suppose to come out, but I’m looking forward to it!
So far, I’m really liking A Discovery of Witches. I was in the mood for something “halloweenish”!
I just read The Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart. It’s a detective fantasy set in ancient China so it goes great with tea. Hughart has a way with words…this was one of the funniest/saddest/most poignant books I’ve read in a log time.
If I could get the ebook in Canada it would be on my list as I would love to read it. I can get the other two ebooks in the series though..
I just finished The Magicians by Lev Grossman. It’s kinda like a cross between Harry Potter and the Narnia series except it’s extremely depressing and for adults. This was very well written in some ways and a bit lacking in others. At this point, I’m not sure I want to read the sequel only because I’m afraid it’s going to be all existentialist like this first one. Now I need something happy!
I enjoyed that book! It was very quirky, but the main thing I enjoyed about it was the unpredictability. I’m too good at knowing what will happen next when I’m reading (or watching movies), which does get old after awhile. So when crazy stuff happened during that book, it was both surprising & exciting for me. But a lot of terrible things did happen. I read the sequel…it continued the unpredictable & crazy mode, but I enjoyed it.
I also read The Magicians back in August, but haven’t read the sequel yet. I thought the book was very well written and certainly thought provoking. Grossman also did a good job keeping a looming sense of dreading going in the plot.
I was intrigued by your description, Mercuryhime, and tried The Magicians, but I couldn’t get into it. I gave up about one quarter of the way through it when I realized I didn’t care about any of the characters or really find the plot compelling. And that constant “looming sense of dread” got to me too. Maybe some other time I’ll try again, as I do like both HP & Narnia, and don’t mind a bit of darkness & existentialism.
JaneFan, I didn’t much care for the characters either. I did think they were rather realistic though.
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