Teaware/Steeper For Herbal/Rooibos Teas?
I currently own a Perfec-tea-maker by Teavana (32 oz) and it needs to be replaced (over a year of constant usage). I would like to find a teamaker/Steeper that can brew 32 oz at once, have small holes/infuser basket for herbal/rooibos teas, and be sturdy to use everyday.?? The “new leaf Teapot” by David’s Teas looks good, but I’m afraid it will be too delicate for daily use? The ingeniutea looks promising as well, but not really a fan of plastic products. All suggestions are welcome and highly appreciated!! ;-)
When I brew rooibos or herbal teas, I generally just use a T-Sac. You can get them pretty cheap and they make it easy to clean up. The bags are okay for herbals since they don’t need to expand like regular tea.
I use a pitcher from Teavana (http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/tea-makers-infusers/p/blue-infusion-tea-pitcher) for brewing iced, and I’ve never had a problem with discoloration or flavoring leaching from the plastic, nor with rooibos needles coming through the basket. This one only comes in 24 or 66oz though.
Might be a bit big for you, but the Tristan infuser from Teavana (http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/tea-makers-infusers/p/tristan-infuser-pitcher) is glass with silicone. I’ve never used nor seen it in person though.
And my friend swears by the Camellia Cylindre from Teavana (http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/teapots-teapot-sets/glass-teapots/p/camellia-cylindre-glass-tea-maker). It’s glass, so a bit delicate, but she’s never had a problem with it.
I also use the ingenuiTEA (I have the 16oz, but here’s the 32) (http://www.adagio.com/teaware/iced_ingenuiTEA_teapot.html?sid=cd082d205ecc4310a3a942a88d05e1a2) and I’ve also never had a problem with leaching or rooibos needles coming through. It does discolor but it’s easily taken care of with the rough side of the sponge.
If you don’t mind using a teapot and infuser basket Upton Tea Imports has some pretty functional pots. They have the finum infusers which are really good with even the small bits. You can get the pots in several sizes as well.
Wow that link looks huge!
The finum baskets are great, otherwise just look for a fine mesh strainer…
Thank you everyone for your suggestions ;-) I am trying to find a whole steeper/infuser as a complete package. Something similar to the “Perfec tea” maker or the “New leaf teapot”! A steeper that can be used daily without too much fear of breakage (sturdy/durable). I already own a $250 Iron Teapot,reserved for plain leaf oolong/green teas and a Piao Brewer (it works sooo well ;) for multiple brewing infusions of green tea, etc!! All I need now is something to brew my nightly Herbal/Rooibos Teas?
I actually use this teapot at work:
With this Finum brewing basket:
You can use the brewing basket that comes with that tea pot, but the mesh is a little too… wide-knit? for rooibos. Unless you don’t mind a little fiber with your tea! The Finum isn’t a perfect fit, but it’s pretty darn close, and definitely serviceable, especially for a grand total of $25. Oh, and the tea pot itself is really all glass with a plastic half-moon casing around it, and a plastic lid. So it’s an all glass bowl, if that makes things any easier.
By the way, that new leaf teapot has a Forlife brewing basket, which you could buy separately if you so desired:
We have one, it’s nice. Though, I prefer the Finum mesh one, because it doesn’t allow ANYTHING through, and some of the uber-tiny rooibos bits will still occasionally sneak out of the Forlife basket. We use it in an all-glass Grosche teapot that I’m not terribly fond of, but Missy likes and she is in charge of the teamaking at home ;)
I swear by Chatsford teapots. They are super sturdy and include a very, very fine infuser basket that has enough room for all kinds of types of teas. I NEVER have any residue from rooibos, honeybush, or anything like that. Here is a link to the 36 oz pot:
I’ve had my 12 oz Chatsford for 2 1/2 years and my mom used it before that. My 24 oz Chatsford has been going strong for about 1 1/2 years. No cracks, breakage, or really any signs of wear or tear.
I have a Hobnail Cast Iron Teapot http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/teapots-teapot-sets/cast-iron-teapots/p/hobnail-cast-iron-teapot
Will a Finum mesh basket fit my iron teapot? Which size? I really enjoy my Piao I Perfect Infusion Teapot http://www.amazon.com/Piao-Infusion-Stainless-Infuser-Multi-tea/dp/B000X82X68..I wish they made it in a 32 Oz size? It works amazingly well for my green/oolong teas!! Anything similar that will work as well??
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