Steepster Select #011 Giveaway

111 Replies

Let’s see, I drink at least one black tea (usually 2, although sometimes, I may alternate one of them with a yerba mate or guayusa), at least 1 green tea (sometimes 2), and one Oolong. I also have one “alternate tea” – either white or puerh or yellow. And then when it comes closer to bedtime, I switch to caffeine free tisanes, and I usually have at least one of those a day. So, minimum, I have five different teas per day, and up to eight or 10 depending on whether or not I feel my bladder can take it.

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Matt said

2-4, since it depends on how many steeps I can actually get from a set of leaves.

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Bonnie said

Usually three but four is not unusual. Two or three to review and the rest iced or just to revisit favorites.

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Babble said

2 or 3. Usually a couple green/oolong teas throughout the day, and an herbal at night. I might also do a flavored during the day, as well.

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K S said

1-4, Depends on how well they resteep.

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aimeejp said

Usually 3-4 depending… but i stick to the same family of teas.. like fruity, or smoky, or extremely plain

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Kittenna said

Usually at least 3-4 (I like variety), although I’ve had nothing at all lately as I’ve been too busy. However, that number can be quite a bit higher too – I may have had as many as ten+ different teas in one day if I’m sampling things and have a couple at work, a couple after work, and a bunch in the evening.

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Three. Usually one black to wake me up, one green to keep the buzz going, and one white or oolong for no other reason than the flavor.

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Mostly one (black or mate), sometimes two (throw in an oolong or herbal perhaps)….

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Between 1 and 3, depending on the season. If it’s a busy day, I might only have tea once in the morning.

If it’s going to be a warm day, 1 in the morning, and then something iced in the afternoon.

If I just got new teas, I might have 3 because I can’t decide on just one!

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