Beautiful new website for
Rachel Carter, who you all also know around here as iHeartTeas has launched a newly redesigned website on Tea Trade.
A little bit about Rachel:
Rachel signed up for Tea Trade and started selling tea way back when we first went online. She’s been with us pretty much since day 1 and month after month has regularly been our top seller. Some of her most popular products have been the tea sampler packs that she puts together.
One of the things she has come to be known for is her warmth, enthusiasm and personality – something she carries over into her sales and packages that she delivers to her customers.
Over the last 6 months Rachel has started working on a new line of products for her site. These are going to be a range of hand-blended teas, tea-inspired perfumes (already available) and a line of tea-inpsired soaps and bath teas.
In order to support her new line of products, Rachel hired Tea Trade to design and build a new store website for her. The end result is a website that suits her personality and creativity and give you all a chance to try out her products.
We’ve gone ahead and made the site live because Rachel was so excited about it and you can place orders now. In the coming months she’ll be adding a bunch of new and interesting products. Rachel and is certainly worth keeping an eye on!
Pete Davenport
Tea Trade, Developer
Beautiful!! So much easier to navigate then than the other site! SO pretty! Truly does show Rachel’s personality and warmth! Good work to both Rachel and Pete!
Thank you so much. Pete really did a fantastic job capturing my personality and I appreciate it so much.
@Azzrian thank you! I’m so glad you like the site too. It’s important to me that it’s easy to navigate and looks pleasing too and I think it offers both. :)
Hey nice new site! I don’t know your personality but the site looks more streamlined than your last. I felt it did a really good job and not being too busy or plain. The pertinent information seems pretty easy to navigate to. So great job! :D
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