Teaspoon said

Who's attending the World Tea Expo in vegas?

Just wondered if anyone will be going to the World Tea Expo in June? I bet that is super exciting. Has anyone gone before? If so, care to tell us what its like?

42 Replies
Cofftea said

I’d love too, but I just can’t afford it. I’m hoping for 2011 though.

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jennlea said

Want to go very much but don’t have the funds this year.

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spohkh said

Wish it were closer in time to the Star Trek Con =(
Yes, I’m a nerd

I am with you on that one but we are not nerds we are nerds cooler cousin called geeks. :-)

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I might go to Vegas in October but can’t go before then! DRAT!

Actually, I’m going in the middle of September…

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Not sure if we will be attending or not, but we are definitely looking to compete in the World Tea Championships.

Teaspoon said

How does the competetion work? do you just submit one tea and the panel cups it? what is required when submitting a tea? How would one prove its their blend for example and not someone elses?

Last time I spoke to Kim Jage, they were still working out the details for this year, but they should be posted on the WTE site soon.

Teaspoon said

Bring home the gold!

Thanks. I’m going to try. I think we have several blends I would like to enter depending on what categories they offer: Pina Colada Honeybush, Buttered Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Malted Chocomate, maybe ManTeas’ Smoky Bacon…

Cofftea said

Enter mandarin matcha!:)

Jillian said

You should definitely enter the Pina Colada Honeybush if you can. It’s very yum. _

Doulton said

Good luck! I think that all of the blends you listed are great. I just placed an order with ManTeas and am excited about trying your Smoky Bacon and the Beer Tea.

good luck! do let us know what categories you end up enter into

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Miss Sweet said

Late to the party, but I’m going! I only found out about it two weeks before the 2009 expo, which was a bit short notice so I’ve been saving my pennies since then & have just registered. I tried to do a mixture of retail/tea info classes, but I’m most looking foward to ‘Cooking with Tea: Exploring the Culinary Potential Behind the Leaf’ :D.

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I’m going!

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Ramallamas said

I will be attending… hopefully as a volunteer but I haven’t heard back from them since I faxed in my form!

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I can’t go this year. Besides, going to Vegas in June is such an odd idea in my eyes :-p I read it from somewhere on their website that they plan for a Northeast Expo next year. I love that idea!!

bah! vegas is great any time of year, so long as you stay inside. :) i go to las vegas in august for Defcon, the convention center is cool enough :) i hope to go to this in 2011 if i can

Miss Sweet said

Even being holed up in a place with aircon all day, people find it amusing I’m going to Vegas in June for an expo about hot drinks haha.

perhaps to boggle theirs minds next we should find an ice cream event in a cold location in the winter ;)

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I will be attending the WTE again….for the 7th or 8th time. I have only missed one year and that was when I was in China touring some of the tea growing areas and actually picking tea and pan firing it….fun. It has always been in LV, except for about 3 years ago when they held it in Atlanta, which was nice for the folks living on the East coast, but horrid for all the tea growing folks who had to come clear across our continent to get there….besides which, many of the Chinese and Japanese LOVE to gamble and therefore love LV.

oh wow! any stores you can share from past WTEs? or better yet any tips for those attending (maybe me next year?) I know when i go to long running cons i like the tips (don’t bring a large bag they won’t let you have it, wear comfy shoes, don’t get food in the conv. center etc.)

Miss Sweet said

I second a request for any stories or tips! I’ve read a few writeups on previous years seeing as this is my first time attending, but anything you could share would be great :)

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