Azzrian said

Someone asked me about a Crane Gaiwan but I can't find where...

Sorry I saw a message in my inbox notifications that someone had asked me about my Crane Gaiwan but I guess I deleted the inbox message and now I can’t find where I was asked….
So ….
I have to preface this with I know nothing about gaiwans!
This is my first.
I have only used it a handful of times.
Its VERY pretty – looks more of a sage green than I felt it looked on the website.
Really lovely in design. I struggled between this one and the dragon more decorative one and I tend to go for things that are far more decorative usually but I liked the simplicity of this one. Still the artwork on it is lovely!
I have TINY hands and while I still struggle SOME with working it properly it is small enough once I master it more.
It gets hot – very hot – but if you handle it the way I believe we are supposed to … by the rim and with fingers on the cap / top … the rim itself does not get hot, nor the top, however the LID around the top nobby thing you put your finger on DOES get hot.
Sorry not sure what all I was asked in the original post.
I hope whoever asked me does find this post. Feel free to ask what you wanted to know. :)

13 Replies
Kittenna said

I think it was Autumn Aelwyld(sp?) as her Mother’s Day gaiwan broke :(

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Azzrian said

Aweee ;( Thats sad. Well hopefully she will see my post if it wa sher.

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Missy said

I think Krystaleyn is right, even if I can’t seem to find the post. I have looked for the last 15 minutes and it’s not where I thought it was. Le sigh, getting old does terrible things to a person’s mind.

I got the dragon gaiwan from the same place. Do they seem a bit messy to pour? Also I’ve been meaning to ask you what sort of steeping parameters are you using. I’ve looked a ton of places and they all differ pretty wildly. So any tips are greatly appreciated.

jones5874 said

If you pour too slowly, it can be messy! With my small one (100ml) I prefer the side method, but with the bigger one I have to lift the top two parts off of the bottom saucer and pour straight forward (if this makes any sense…).

I’ve found that experimenting with steeping parameters on my own was very helpful. Each gaiwan and tea is different, and the way I prefer a certain tea might not be the way someone else likes it. Maybe this isn’t very helpful, but I had more success when I stopped trying to replicate brewing suggestions so precisely.

Missy said

I know yesterday I got distracted and stopped thinking about it so much and my tea was excellent. Maybe I’ll just try to brew on instinct and see how it goes. Thanks for the tips!

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Azzrian said

I am not the best person to ask Missy as mine has pretty much sat decoratively on a shelf for now.
Hoping to get more into this style of brewing soon though.
IT is messy to pour but I thought it was my tiny hands.
I like one someone linked on another thread that had this almost spout like thing on it!

jones5874 said

was this the one?

They do call it an “easy gaiwan” for a reason! I really like it and might get one someday, just for variety and convenience. But I’m not allowing myself any new teaware for a while, only tea.

Azzrian said

Thank you for that link ! I am with you on the ONLY TEA thing at this point. For now anyway :)

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Azzrian said

Also the post could have been a comment under one of my reviews maybe right?

Missy said

I’m wondering if that is what happened because I keep looking and I just can’t find it.

Azzrian said

It probably was missy – don’t worry about it – have more tea :)

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Azzrian said
Missy said

Yay! You found it!

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