On a completely different end, I actually use spent tea leaves for art projects! To make an interestingly textured page, I sometimes dump the damp, dripping tea leaves over a piece of watercolor paper and let it dry overnight. In the morning, brush the leaves off and enjoy! The result is an earthy, patterned page that would be awesome for use in a scrapbook or as a background for a gouache painting. You still have to compost the leaves when you’re done, of course, but it gets one last use out of them!
I would love to see something like that.
I place used tea leaves under my outdoor plants directly. The plants seem to like it. I have read of people making potpourri from used tea leaves also.
I’ve been drying my used up leaves and tossing them in the cats’ litter boxes, supposedly they absorb moisture and odors. I have a blog post coming up about it.
If it was spring I’d toss the leaves in my garden.
I think I’m going to try that! One of mine has stomach issues and I would much rather smell tea leaves than what she leaves!
Compost pile, I live in a very dry climate and I don’t have to moisten my compost pile as often when I add tea leaves.
I just knock my leaves out of the filter basket and into the trash. There are always some sticking to the sides, though, so I rinse them down the drain. With all the tea I drink, I like to think I’m making all the sewer-dwelling creatures a bit spoiled/healthy/hyperactive.
I don’t have a garden and it’s all concrete around here, no parks nearby, so I can’t compost.
I’ve had tea leaves in salad at a Burmese restaurant and they were delicious. Maybe I should munch on some big unfurled oolong leaves…
I must say, this spammer is annoying but I’m reading some threads I might have missed otherwise. I think I need to get a plant!!
I think HeyHeyTea means that HeyHeyTeas are used up tea leaves, that’s how s/he uses his/her old leaves by selling them again. :)
My latest blog post on what I’ve been doing with my used up tea leaves http://lazeysdailycup.blogspot.com/2013/01/tea-in-litterbox.html
Even have some cute cat pictures in it :D
with 4 cats, sounds like a good idea in my household too!
Reviving an old theme, but this may be helpful to someone. I usually feed my spent leaves, as well as other “tastier” organic trash (peels, a bit rotten vegetable parts) to our chickens. They seem to like it. Plus, I think it is actually good for them (since tea has many health benefits for humans, I don’t know why it shouldn’t be good for animals). Any experts on the topic out there? Is tea in general good for animals too?
I’m making a toupée with mine.
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