Starting a Nonprofit Tea Shop/Job training for adults with disabilities-- Need a Tea Supplier
I leading a group of community members, disability service providers, and families with disabled family members in the creation of a nonprofit tea & coffee shop in Davis, CA. One of the primary foci of Mosaic Tea & Coffee ( is job training and community building for adults with disabilities. We are looking for recommendations for a Tea Supplier, someone who could offer high quality teas at a discounted rate.
We have a large building that will likely be donated and we will be staffing the shop with volunteers. The only paid employees will be the adults with disabilities and a few managers. So, the intent is not profit, but social good. We’re hoping there’s a company out there whose mission might have a social good slant to it and would be willing to supply us at a discounted rate. We appreciate any recommendations!
I commend you for doing this! My daughter is disabled physically and it is difficult for her to find something or some place that understands her needs!
Thank you for being a positive in this world!
Thanks Azzrian. We’re all excited about this venture. We’re even playing with a “gift economy” model, much like Karma Kitchen ( This is gonna be one heck of a creative ride : )
We would be interested in discussing this with you. Shoot me an email at frank @ 52teas . com. Let me know how much tea you think you are going to need and what your timeline looks like.
I’ve actually been looking over your business plan and pro forma (via your facebook page links) and I would love to offer additional assistance/consultation as both a former tea bar owner and an accountant. This looks like a great project. I would love to see it succeed. Here in Wichita, we have a coffeehouse that was started by a local church. No job training program, but I think it’s still non-profit. It’s called Mead’s Corner. Anyway, yes, definitely send me an email and let me know how I could help.
WOW!!! Thank you. Thank you. I’m putting my kids to bed right now, but will send an email tomorrow morning. Thanks 52teas.
We are getting ready to do a three day show at the All About Her Expo here in Wichita this weekend, so don’t fret if I don’t get to respond right away, but I will.
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