In your cupboard?
Do you put samples in your cupboard? By cupboard I mean here, online.
If so or if not – what quantity of tea do you need to have on hand in order to consider it “in your cupboard”?
I go back and forth.
If it is a prized sample, that amounts to more than one cup, that I will use sparingly, I add it.
If it is only a cups worth, or something I have tried and know I will never reorder, I don’t put it in my “cupboard”.
Like you said, it depends. Sometimes I’ll do a swap or have a sample that has more than a few cups worth – in that case I’ll put it in my cupboard.
I find this helpful for a sample I didn’t care too much for, then I can pass it on in a swap! :)
Yes exactly see that is the OTHER side of the coin! If it is not in your cupboard, even if you only have a samples worth left, and want to trade it off, you have to have it in there for others to know you have it. LOL good point!
Most every thing over what it takes to make one cup ends up in my cupboard. I’m one of those people who needs to organize things and the cupboard helps me do that. I also use it to keep an eye on what samples I need to try out. The picture of the tea just helps me remember pertinent information about tea. It’s a good way to chose a tea at a glance for me.
I don’t put samples in my cupboard anymore just because I feel bad telling people I only have enough for me if they see it and want to swap for it lol.
But, I put everything in a spreadsheet. And that way I can also see how many things are samples by comparing the number in my cupboard on here to the number of rows in my spreadsheet. It’s a bit too high for my liking right now!
I need to update my cupboard, I do have samples in there that are actually gone now.
I don’t… because I’m terrible about using my cupboard in general!
Most of my teas are random samples from friends from no particular company at all… it’s just “that Yunnan in the gold-ish bag” or “that spring TGY in the blue packet for 300, not 250.” My cupboard would be so full of unknowns that it wouldn’t be useful to anybody. Plus, I had too many teas to start with to really make it accurate and up-to-date. So now I just don’t use it at all, except for a few teas I remembered to add off-hand (and even that’s not accurate anymore).
I used to keep only swapable teas in my Steepster Cupboard.
Now, I put anything in there that is over a few cups….so amounts close to an ounce or more.
Like others have said, I put tea in my cupboard that I know I can swap. When I get read in a swap I don’t generally add them, but, for instance, when I got the big box of samples from LiberTEAS, I did add the ones she sent because I got so many and I wanted to be able to keep track of them.
If it’s in my cupboard, it’s on the list. I do wish there was a “swappable” option that you could, say, tick off on teas in your cupboard that are big enough to be sending out – I do hate having to say I can’t send something out because it’s only enough for another couple cups, both of which I’d personally like to drink.
So, I pretty much use my “cupboard” as an inventory. Only if I acquire a tea that’s enough for only one cup, and I drink it immediately, do I not add it to my cupboard. I also try to make sure I “remove” them from my cupboard when I finish a bag (infrequent. VERY infrequent.) In the case of the box of teas from LiberTEAS, those are being added as I drink them, because that serves as my “surprise” box – so although I looked through the teas when I got it, I didn’t write them down, so when I reach in and pull out a tea it will be a new, awesome, surprise experience!
There are a lot of great ideas and views on this! I keep reading and saying to myself “yeah that is how I need to do it” then someone says something and I change my mind LOL
I do also wish though that there was a way to click (as Krystaleyn suggested) teas we are willing to trade!
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