Adagio Sale on Sneakpeeq

Over on there is a sale on select adagio sets and IngenuiTEA teapots.

If you sign up you get a $10 off coupon, which means you’ll be able to get an IngenuiTEA and four sample sized teas for ~$13 with shipping (cheaper than direct from Adagio).

Here’s my shameless self-promoting link, if you haven’t previously signed up for Sneakpeeq:

9 Replies
Azzrian said

A lot of other offers on here too from adagio. The yixing teapot looks tempting!

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I’m SO tempted to get the yixing… but I’m moving in a few weeks and I really can’t justify it. Sigh.

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Azzrian said

I know and the last thing I need is a yixing pot right now. I can’t afford to dedicate one tea pot to one tea. Which is the idea over all I believe. See if I am not clear on what I need one for why would I need one? I will probably regret not getting this later on though.
SIGH I have a choice – the teapot or some canisters to store my already existing tea IN. I think I need to be logical here. Canisters it is.

I’m not an expert about Yixing pots by any stretch of the imagination. But I do have 3 yixing mugs that I have dedicated to my three favorite types of tea: Alishan Oolong, Jasmine, and Yellow Teas.

I love these teas, and the Yixing clay absorbs some of the flavors of the tea that is served from it which enhances the flavors of future teas drunk from it. Which is why you want to dedicate it to one type of tea… if you use it for all types of tea you’ll find that the flavors of the tea become somewhat muddied. It’s a good investment if you have a favorite type of tea that you drink often. But if not, then use your tea funds for something else that you do need. :)

Azzrian said

Thanks for validating that LiberTEAS . Yeah the absorption of flavors is the main point of the yixing pot which would be great if I was POSITIVE of my favorite flavors. I mean I have an idea, but then again good gravy with all the choices out there its far too early for me to say for sure I know what I want to dedicate a pot to at this point. Still its an excellent bargain for those who are ready for them or are already buying them.

At the moment, Missy and I are planning on buying a sample or two from a new company every month.

At that rate, we will try all of the teas we want to try in about 37 years.

Azzrian said

LOL go you guys!

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Can’t resist… tea… on sale…

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Azzrian said

So then you are like me, signed up for every newsletter known to man? At least those I have found so far anyway here.

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