TeaVivre said

2012 New Premium grade Dragon Well Green Tea is available on Teavivre now!

New Premium grade Dragon Well Green Tea of 2012 is online for sale now. Compared it with the previous one of 2011, the new tea’s price just will be a little expensive, due to the amount of its production, as well as the factors of the suppliers!

10 Replies

Glad to hear the new harvest for this tea is in! How does it compare in taste, aroma, and otherwise to the 2011 lot? Thanks!

TeaVivre said

The new 2012 premium Dragon Well green tea has the same Production Process and picking standard with the one of 2011, both of them have the same grade.

Azzrian said

Oh thats good to hear.

TeaVivre said


Thank you for your reply.

Is there some place on your website where you indicate each particular tea’s current harvest date(or at least year), because if there is one, I can’t find it.

TeaVivre said

yes, we will add the harvest time for each tea in near future.

Sounds great!

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Azzrian said

SIGH I should have waited to place my two orders! No more orders for me for a while though I need to pay medical bills and get new wiring in my house.

TeaVivre said

Maybe you can place an order when all the 2012 new teas are available!

Azzrian said

You know I will :)

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