Tina S. said


I’m going to admit it openly, I’m cheap. But I’m also wanting to start getting into matcha and am placing my first order this week. So I’m curious, how do you prepare your matcha? Do you use the traditional bamboo whisk and such, or do you cheat with a frother or a coffee press? Do you add milk, other teas, sweetener . . .

Basically, what are your matcha secrets? :D

6 Replies

I go with the traditional stuff: I use a Chashaku to measure the Matcha, a chasen to whisk it, and I whisk it up and drink it in a chawan.

But really, you don’t need these tools. You can use a regular teaspoon to measure the Matcha, just consider an almond-sized amount to be a “scoop” of Matcha. You can mix the Matcha in a regular bowl (when I first got back in to Matcha a few years ago, I realized that my individual serving rice bowl that I found at the thrift store for maybe 99 cents is essentially the same size and shape as one of my chawans, and there really isn’t anything special about a chawan unless you happen to find one that you really like). You can use a regular, small whisk to whisk the matcha, or even a fork. These won’t give the same frothy top as a chasen will though. I have used my frother on occasion too, usually when I’m making a matcha latte rather than traditional matcha, though, because it mixes it more thoroughly.

The only steadfast thing that I recommend is that you sift your matcha… and even the sifter doesn’t have to be the traditional tool used in Japanese ceremony, I just use a small, inexpensive sieve that I found in my local grocery store in the utensil aisle, I think it cost all of 2 dollars (or less!). It fits nicely on the rim of my chawan, and it does the job nicely.

OH… and I don’t sweeten my matcha, or add milk (unless I’m making a latte) and I have used other tisanes as a base for my matcha to add some different flavor.

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momo said

I use my hand blender. It hadn’t been getting much use and it works just fine without me having to go out and buy anything else. And I just make it in whatever’s readily available that fits the blender. It’s just me and I don’t have to impress myself (as much as I would like to though). I do have some nice little bowls someone gave me so if I’m not making a latte I’ll put it in there.

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I use a mug and a spoon. That’s it. I dont know about how much better it might or might not be if I made matcha in any other way because I have limited space for gadgets. It works well enough for me. I don’t add anything to matcha unless I’m making a latte or doing something creative. Ive added matcha to smoothies and cereal and baked goods. Everything has been very tasty. I plan to try different juices soon. :)

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Tina S. said

Thanks for the info, guys. Sorry it took me so long to message back but life took a turn that was unexpected and kept me offline! I’m looking forward to my matcha delivery even more now!

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jones5874 said

ok, I have a general question: what is the shelf life of matcha? I just found some from a few years back and if this were a green leafy tea, it would probably be past it. Thoughts from the experts? I only drink it from time to time.

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