Culinary Teas is giving away Two $50 gift certificates

I just started a new giveaway for two individuals to each win a $50 gift certificate. You have until the end of the month and if you happen to order during the contest duration you can enter your order number and earn an additional 25 entries.

8 Replies

I entered this one too.
Who won the other giveaway, the100$ giveaway??

Emilie said

On their facebook page, it says Leah Bayer

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Our winners will be announce on FB and our Contest page each time plus the winners are contacted directly by us.

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This week Culinary Teas also has a 15% off coupon! Coupon “APR1012” Expires 4/17/12

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It looks like the Rafflecopter software doesn’t remember the entries I made previously (even when I log in). The way this works is a little confusing to me. So, I have to get to 40 ‘entries earned’ points in that little green box in the upper right hand corner to be entered even once?

Typically from other contests I’ve seen, each of those entries are actually entries. So you have 40 entries from today’s run. Tomorrow, if you post about it on facebook, and tweet it again, you get even more entries. It’s like a macro-raffle, so instead of a 1 in 10 chance, you have a 40 in 400 chance. I’ve seen some where you get 300+ entries a day.

Creative way to get more exposure.

Thanks, Dylan. I like that better than having to jump through a bunch of hoops just to get one entry in. Still, talk about inflation! Sheesh!

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Each thing you do gives you a certain number of entries. With a possible 40 entries each day. Good Luck!

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