Tea Ratings Page loading S L O W L Y?
Is it just me or does the tea ratings page (your ratings) load slow for everyone?
I have cleared my cache, reset, restarted, tried a different browser etc and so on.
Very much so. I was just attempting to edit a rating to fix my abundance of typos and it sort of just froze up. I took it as a sign that you’re all meant to be forced to wade through my broken sentences and misspellings, but upon reading your post I understand that conclusion may have been jumped to.
Not just the ratings page, but my dashboard, and even the discussions link load up super slowly at times.
Things were tightened up a few months ago, but I’ve noticed over the past couple weeks that loading times have really gotten worse again. At least it will still load though!
The tea ratings page has always been the slowest loading page on the site for me. If I want to adjust my ratings or look at how I’ve rated things in general, I just accept that it’s going to take forever and busy myself with other things while I’m waiting for it. :P
Yep, this has been my experience too. I do wish there was something that could be done (by us or whomever) to make the site run more quickly.
The tea ratings page is probably one of the worst pages in terms of load times. The problem is the sorts on the page (highest rated, most logged, etc.). For each of those sorts, it’s determining the order for all the ratings, so it ends up doing a lot more calculations and work than it really should be.
It’s on our list (admittedly not as high as some of the other more prominent pages/bugs) and we have an idea of how it should be adjusted to make the load time significantly faster.
Well at least its not just me – I was worried – thanks Jason for giving us the scoop on this. Admittedly I am one of those people who stands in front of the microwave yelling “HURRY UP!”
i can’t even get the slider thingy to work at all. i use IE9 & perhaps it’s not designed for good ole Internet Explorer though. it’s a small thing though, she says, sipping tea & relaxing…
I had trouble with this very same thing on IE9. I have since gone with Google Chrome and it is much better. If I remember, you can click several times on the bar about where you want the slider to be on IE9…..
LOL Amanda – honestly I would try just about ANY other browser all I ever hear is how IE is not a good browser. I don’t personally know however because I have a mac and stay away from IE.
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