thanks SimplyJen. i tried Google Chrome but it was bug-ridden. but from the point of view of’s slider, it should probably be compatible with all browsers, including the loathsome IE9. As to other browsers, i’ve tried them all & found all of them idiosyncratic & buggy. IE9 is the worst of a bad lot. As to Macs, Azzrian & Krystaleyn…i admire them from afar :)
Amanda one day you will join us … :) Until then I her Mozilla Firefox is really good
I mean as a browser in general
Firefox is decent, but Chrome stole my heart. I’ll openly admit to having a full on Google Crush. Google could release their own version of anthrax and I’d probably try it.
I read this aloud to Dylan and he almost spit tea all over his screen. I should take care when reading your posts to him, no reading while he is sipping.
Haha…those susceptible to irreverent thoughts should take warning. They’re pretty much the only thoughts I know.
Has anyone notice things loading FASTER now? LOL they are for me – Maybe Jason or the Internet Gods have tweaked things. Now I feel bad for complaining lol
That sacrifice I made was clearly worth it.
LOL thanks Blake your my hero!
I’ve always experienced Steepster as slow, but tonight is crazy. I hope they update their servers soon.
Hm. Every time I’ve been on since the night of this post, all the pages have seemed to fly (compared to normally).
I’m new to Steepster and while I LOVE the site and the wonderful members, I am bummed at how slow this site can be. I hope they can resolve this soon :)
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