Q. Companies with the same name
How can i tell if my local “t bar” is the same t bar company as is in the company list? (generically insert your company name here) I don’t want to get them all mixed up. Is there any way to enter a website to go with a company, or maybe an address? just wondering if i’m missing (overlooked) something
With over 1200 tea companies listed and many using similar names, it can get confusing sometimes. Right now the best way to check the company is to see if their teas are already listed. By checking their teas, you should be able to get a sense if it’s the same company or not.
However, even with this, many tea companies use similar tea names. We are aware of this and always try to provide relevant info for our users. Although it might seem simple to just include an address for the company, since those would be offsite links we choose to manage those internally. We wouldn’t want someone sending people offsite to irrelevant, promotional, or even inappropriate content.
We are continually in the process of adding (correct) offsite links to places where you can purchase the teas you find on Steepster. It’s just difficult to keep up with the amazing pace you all set (almost 8500 teas and counting)…
Why don’t add the country of the company next to the name (or a small country flag) it would help to identify the company and is also a good aid for members to locate a company near them (I’m from Portugal and prefer european companies to spare on shipping and taxes).
Putting a reference that exists “worldwide” (for companies like Lipton) instead of country or in the case of companies like Adagio simply putting “Adagio – US” or “Adagio – UK” (for Adagio Europe).
That sparked an idea:
Would you guys consider adding the facility to allow users to rate and review Tea Houses, Tea Bars, Tea Shops? Perhaps with some sort of map functionality so we can see where they all are? Might be nice when traveling to know that Steepster users from say Chicago, really prefer X Tea shop, etc. Maybe you could link the shops to their teas.
Already done. www.teamap.com. It’s been suggested before as well, but I don’t think every website needs to be a “jack of all trades, but a master of nothing”. I’d much rather we be able to log/review teawares/accessories.
I agree with Cofftea on this one-unless the steepster team really wants to branch that way both yelp and teamap and some others fill that void – although if there were links (moderator approved) that could be added to companies a company could be linked out to yelp or teamap
I agree with 52teas. It would be nice to see the preference that Steepster users have towards tea houses/bars. Maybe link Yelp! accounts? Is that possible? Or something completely different?
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