Tea Houses/Shops in Conecticut
In October I am moving to New Haven and would like to know about shops within a reasonable driving distance. The only one I know about is Simpson and Vail.
The problem with asking in any one place is that even if groups have thousands of members (FB groups, here, or dedicated tea forums) not many people are checking in with those groups day to day. On Facebook feed filtering would limit what people in a group would see. I checked a couple by searching for there but only this turned up:
Several people did answer they are in Connecticut, but presumably the idea was to reach out to people by message, since there wasn’t a question like the one you posed. It’s a shame that wasn’t their point since the answers would be your answer; it would work as a reference.
A tea map is a different thing, a shops reference. There is one on here (Steepster), and someone mentioned a personal tea map project some weeks back, and Tea Chat has one, and Reddit r/tea does. None of those would be even close to complete or up to date. The easiest approach is to use Google search, which works well as a Maps search since you can get a feel for the results better that way.
I live in Rhode Island and I haven’t found anything worth telling you about anywhere near me, and that includes most of Eastern CN. You’re closish to the Boston area to make a visit I guess, there’s some okay stuff around there if you’re interested
Although now that I think about it you’re better off just going to NYC. Closer I think but way more options
I know of a number of good places in various parts of NYC but I find getting into the city from Long Island (where I now live) a pain. I imagine I will feel like getting into the city from New Haven a bigger pain as it is further away. I know Simpson and Vail in Ct is excellent. I had hoped there were a couple of other local stores out there. Sometimes an excellent store has no internet store like one down here called The Clipper Ship Tea Company. They are an excellent store but are strictly brick and mortar. I think they also do phone orders. And I may keep buying some of my favorites of theirs that way.
the thing i really want is somewhere close by where i could go and drink nice tea, maybe bring a laptop and work, and buy a teacup or maybe a 50 or 100g cake
Hey Carpet, no need to fret. I live not far from New Haven and lived in downtown for years. Not sure where you’ll be, but if you want a cup of decent tea and a place to hang there are a number of places not least of which is
There are 3 locations within walking distance of Yale. My favorite is on Whitney Avenue, beautiful location for a cup of tea especially in the fall. My guess is you’ll find quite a few places to unwind.
Also, try Koffee https://duncan-goodall-783e.squarespace.com/
Literally a block from the Whitney Ave location of Whilloubhy’s. Koffee is more known for, well…ya know. But they have craft beer, wine and live music and an outdoor seating area. Good luck in the Elm City… Don’t forget pizza at Pepe’s, Modern, or Bar. And the only smoking lounge/bar w/ live music and you guessed it.. TEA can be found on College Street, the Owl Shop.
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