What have you ordered from Steepster Select?
We’d love to hear which Steepster Select featured items people have ordered and how they felt about them.
I ordered the Yancha Wuyi Oolong from Harney and Sons awhile back and I’ve quite enjoyed it so far. I hadn’t tried many oolongs and I’d been meaning to try a good quality ‘real’ one and the promo happen at just the right time. :)
A lot, actually. Damn the ease of online purchasing!
I owe all of the tea I have from Andrews & Dunham, Rishi, maeda-en, and Harney & Sons to Steepster. And some of the stuff from Tavalon. All of it is due to both the reviews on here, and Steepster Select. You are all brilliant conspirators to take my money, and it’s working pretty well thus far. Can’t say I’m really complaining, though. I’ve made out pretty well.
Erm — how does Steepster Select work, actually? Or is there a place on Steepster that lists this all out and idiot me has missed it? Thanks in advance.
It’s the item feature on the right hand side of the screen. There’s a new item every day and today it’s the tea gummy bears. You can see details about the item if you click the picture, and if you order it on the day it’s featured, you can get a discount.
Here’s the link: http://steepster.com/select
You’ll also find a link to it in the top nav, under the “More” tab. When you’re on the Select page, the image and the “I Want This” button will take you to the tea company page where you can buy the item.
But I have to clarify, often there are discounts (usually through coupon codes you can get on the Select page) but there isn’t always a discount. We use it to highlight popular items, great tea ware, rare and exclusive teas, community favorites…basically just great, high quality tea we know you’ll love. Plus we throw in those discounts whenever we can arrange them.
Hi Jason,
Just tried this link and the one at the top of the page, but as you use a link shortner (member.ly) us folk in China can’t get to the page – the Great China Firewall hits again. May be best to use a .htaccess rewrite for that link?
Wan – Steepster Select went off the air at some point…I joined in January of this year and I don’t think it’s been active in all that time.
Steepster Select is now our Tea of the Month Club, which is run on the Memberly platform (another one of our products). The original Select was a daily featured tea item/deal like kinda like Woot.
Wan – I’m not familiar with the link shortening stuff in China. Can you not access http://member.ly at all? We’ll have to check that out.
I’ve ordered the Andrews & Dunham teas from Steepster Select. However, the feature is not wasted on me. In general I follow the link and then noodle around. Generally I buy something slightly different but related to the item featured. I wouldn’t have been tempted to buy anything were it not for Steepster Select.
Not yet, but I am always looking for new things. I hate to be so repetitive but… Podcast or at least a short video of the Select tea. I think that would be great.
Jason is there an archive / calendar to display what items were featured in Steepster select at the moment?
I bought the Pumpkin Pie tea from 52Teas that you guys featured a few days ago – actually I went to their website and used the 10% off thing to order two other ones as well. It was great to see someone new on Steepster Select.
I did so too, after having received some TRULY SUPERB customer service. Also got two other things at the same time, and I’m still waiting impatiently by the letterbox. (Experience tells me that it should take about 7-10 days before I get it)
YAY! I’m in the Steepster Select Customer Club!
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