Kenilworth Estate Ceylon tea - is it a Dimbula, a Kandy, or a Nuwara Eliya?
While everyone agrees that Kenilworth Estate is in Central Province in Sri Lanka near a place called “Ginigathena”, I’ve seen conflicting descriptions of which tea-growing region it falls into. Some say Kandy, some say Dimbula, and a couple even suggest Nuwara Eliya.
Anyone familiar with Sri Lankan geography able to help clear this up? :)
Yes! I am pretty sure Kenilworth estate is in Kandy, based on a majority of reputable retailers. I am aware that tea companies sometimes make conflicting claims about the location of various estates…not just with this one but I’ve seen it with many others.
If you want to get more specific, according to Murchie’s, it’s located in the Kalani Valley. I don’t really know any more than the district-level geography of Sri Lanka though so I can’t really say for certain.
I just visited Kenilworth estate yesterday and asked the same question to the estate executives. Kenilworth is located in the Nuruwa Eliya district but since it is a medium-high elevation, they make kandy styled teas. So to speak on tea labeling, it should be Kandy kenilworth OP1. My personal favourite
I made a point of exploring Ceylon teas about a year ago and I made a reference map.,80.944519&spn=2.48681,3.007507 (I’m sorry, this is what Google gives me when I tick the short url box. I’d hate to see what a long url looks like then…)
Some of the markers are placed somewhat to the best of my abilities, but I reckon they’re accurate enough for the bigger picture. The Kenilworth from Nothing But Tea was actually the first tea I drank for this project.
It is located in Ginigathhena, which is around Nawalapitiya. This area gets more rainfall and has much colder weather conditions compared to most parts of Kandy. But they must be producing Kandyan styled tea for the elevation they’re marketing.
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