Jason select said

Steepster Select #008 Discussion (SPOILERS)

For those who participated in the Steepster Select #008, post pictures and discuss away! If you missed out on this month you can sign up for the next one here => http://steepster.com/select


Traditional Guayusa from Runa: http://steepster.com/teas/runa/20700-traditional-guayusa

Sweet Roast Green Tea (Dark) from Mauna Kea Tea: http://steepster.com/teas/mauna-kea-tea/17060-sweet-roast-green-tea

Honey Bush from The Tea Smith: http://steepster.com/teas/the-tea-smith/2785-organic-honey-bush

3 Replies
Ian said

I don’t get the box, but do we know who won the giveaway this month? I’ve checked a couple of times now and nothing’s been updated…

Jason select said

Yea, been pretty busy around here…but I was just about to pick.

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Great box. I had a sample of the Runa Guayusa and I wanted to buy more, so Thanks Steepster Select.
The Sweet Roast Green tea and Honey bush were also great.

Do you take suggestions on up and coming boxes?

Just curious…

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