How much tea do you go through in a week?
I’m still a newbie to loose leaf teas. I tend to buy mine in 2-4 oz amounts. I recently fell in love with an herbal tea and figured 4 oz of it would last a while, but I seem to be halfway through it in only a few days! This led me to wonder- how much tea do you find yourself going through in, say, a week?
Wow, hard to estimate – I have close to 80 teas, and I hop around a lot to try to avoid running out of any particular one I like before I can get back to the store. Maybe 50-70g/2oz or so?
I have so many that I switch it up all the time so maybe I average 2 oz or so a week too. Never feels like it due to never really drinking the same one in a week lol
I have atleast one cup per day, sometimes up to three… so maybe 1 oz? not sure how that translates… is it the same as 15 grams?
My wife and I both enjoy tea and between us we have about 220 teas. We both take 1.5 L Thermoses to work with us 3-4 times a week, so that right there is 48g. We tend to have a morning cuppa and an evening cuppa, so there’s another 28g. Finally, I try to make 2 L of iced tea 2 times a week, so there’s another 25g or so. So all in all, we tend to use about 100 g of tea a week, which is roughly 4 oz, give or take.
But hey, it’s better than soda!
I think my tea habit is close to that if ailing of tea’s. Maybe I’ll slow down eventually. I have about 14 types of tea right now not nearly as much as some of you. I boil water and put it in a 40 oz thermos. I refill it at least once and drink tea all day at work. Often, especially with dragonwell, I can use get multiple infusions from about 1 tsp of tea that last throughout the day.
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