Tea storage?
(I’m new here)
Suggestion: if I have extra tins from a specific company with large/obvious labels (that I have used up or don’t like), I cover/replace them with interesting origami paper and relabel. Why get rid of a perfectly good tin? Makes your cupboard space more interesting if you have variety!
I… should probably do something like that, but I’m so lazy. I still have this big square elaborately decorated tin from Adagio that has “cranberry” written all over it and pictures of cranberries everywhere, and it’s just sitting there with four or five sad pieces of ragged masking tape sitting atop eachother, the most recent of which reads, “Irish Breakfast”. Your tins sound so much nicer.
It can be a bit fussy cutting it to fit correctly and using double-sided tape, but it’s worth it. I still use bright yellow duct tape on the top for my labels, though. Nothing fancy.
I usually find paper that is really gorgeous in the scrapbooking aisle. Sometimes wrapping paper is great, too.
I do that, as well (though with other tins, for some reason I always keep original labels, even if I do not like the tea or design, dunno why!). like this
pretty easy (I am lazy). If tin is cylindrical, I just measure very carefully its height and cut carefully (taking out 1 mm) a strip of paper that height and about 4 times the diameter of the tin. I tape, normal tape one end of the strip, roll it carefully, the paper will overlap and glue it as tight as possible. a friend has suggested treating with mod podge but so far have not tried it.
I glue a label on top and a label on top of label etc, if necessary. since it´s not (yet) treated, pretty easy to remove and redo it i want to.
Thanks. I just have a couple old RoT tins that I have been either putting the same type of tea in or just remembering what I put in it. Some colored paper of some kind over the label would be nice.
I think the labels come off of those pretty easily. I sometimes soak them and then use a product like Goo Gone to get the adhesive off.
How to properly store the tea seems very important to us, because most of us have collected so many different types of teas. I think whatever method to be used in the storage of tea, the utmost important thing is to keep the tea in its original flavor. So when you prepare to store the tea, just keep away these factors: light, air, heat, moisture, and odor, because these enemies are the reasons to cause the tea gradually lose its flavor. So except the tins or Jars, the best containers for storing tea are glazed ceramics, non-reactive metals and plastic containers which will not absorb smells or flavors.
If you’re interested in the storage of the tea, you can find the detailed information through here: http://www.teavivre.com/info/proper-storage-of-tea/
Tips: Do not store your teas in wooden containers or plastic sandwich bags as these will degrade the quality of the tea as well.
That’s a very cute little tea tin about a third of the way down that page (the Airtight section).
Are you guys planning on adding something like that to your teaware offerings?
Nice link, thanks. I’m struggling to find a nice collection of tins in the UK. There are some nice jars at Adagio, but they’re glass. Are glass jars that don’t allow UV light through ok:
or is it more that just the ultra violet that’s harmful to the tea?
I am liking these: http://www.enjoyingtea.com/ciinsetinca.html
The first one is the exact size I am looking for! The price is good, too.
However, I just bought another gaiwan (impulse buy!) so I will stick to resealable bags for my new teas for now.
I still need more tea, though! So maybe a few more months before I get around to finding better tea storage options. But I could look at teaware porn all day, so keep posting.
Meanwhile, I will be crossing my fingers that my gaiwan does not arrive broken…
Where did you get your gaiwan from and what does it look like? :)
Yeah more tea > storage
A colorful old dragon gaiwan from a seller on ebay – my first time bidding for something. It was strange; I generally prefer to buy something in a store where I can look at it.
I use a mason jar for my one lonely thing of loose leaf tea, and its been fine since December.
We bought a Republic of Tea rooibos canister today at World Market, and I took the outside packaging off. Unfortunately, they use like a super sticky glue underneath that label, so I had a very sticky, albeit blank, canister with a red lid.
So, taking a page from cteresa’s book, I put a piece of paper around it. Then I had a blank white piece of paper, so I had to start doodling.
I see some interesting personalized cans in my future!
Lookin good! So check this out – from someone else’s post on another thread – sorry to the person who posted I don’t rememeber your name I am half asleep and woke from a dead sleep and now can’t go back to sleep – this site has TONS and I mean TONS of cool stuff under 10 bucks!
This link should take you to the 0 -10 price range but if not just look to the left side of the screen and select that – tea caddies, tins, cups, tea pots, glass pots, tea samples, ETC GALORE for under 10 bucks and a lot of nice tins and such for under 3 each. I am floored at this selection! http://jkteashop.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&pfrom=0&pto=10
When I first started drinking tea, and trying to see what different kinds were like, I’d buy the less expensive Chinese teas which often came in colorful square or cylindrical double sealed tins. Some of them were so attractive, I just kept them and used them with new tea. In fact there are still half a dozen I liked so much, I still have and use them. Most oriental supermarkets will stock lots of teas sold in those tins.
In case my post above is missed, can I put it here too :)
re http://www.teavivre.com/info/proper-storage-of-tea/
Nice link, thanks. I’m struggling to find a nice collection of tins in the UK. There are some nice jars at Adagio, but they’re glass. Are glass jars that don’t allow UV light through ok:
or is it more that just the ultra violet that’s harmful to the tea?
I think it’s just the UV. I have Adagio tins that having a plastic top that blocks UV/whatever light. I’d assume the glass they sell does the same. It’s nice to be able to see teas, but I do wish they were a bit more streamlined. The hinges make them a bit clunky.
I ordered some tins from Speciality Bottle, I don’t know if there is something similar in the UK or if they ship there. They’re at my parents house though so I haven’t had a chance to check them out.
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