New Logo Developing for Tealux

Tealux needs your opinion!

We’re planning to redesign our website www.tealux.ca and looking for new vision of our logo as well.
We do appreciate if you look at some versions of new logo concepts and
rate, leave a comments for your favorite
At http://99designs.ca/logo-design/vote-z6wlfr

Thanks in advance.


8 Replies
milkspoon said

How does that website work? Do you buy the design from the winner? Or… do people voluntarily submit designs for free? Seems a bit seedy to get a free logo under the guise of a ‘contest’, but maybe I am misunderstanding. I did vote though!

Miha Rekar said

AFAIK you post a pool of how much you’re willing to spend – there’s an explanatory video: http://99designs.ca/


To Milkspoon: it`s not for free. And it`s not even cheap.
For fixed amount we get up to 100 versions/concepts of our logo from different designers. Then we choose a winner and he/she get a prize :)
So out poll just helps us to see what people likes.

Anyway thanks for your vote

milkspoon said

Okay! Just wondering. You have some good submissions.

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Miha Rekar said

i was replying to milkspoon ;)

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The world and I clearly don’t have the same tastes! My lowest choice is currently #1! But my top 3 are 2, 3 and 4 so I’m not that far off I guess ;)

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What a great website/concept:
The buyer/company gets all these ideas to choose from.
The Artist gets a forum for presenting their designs and gets access to all these companies. What a great place for someone just breaking into the business to get noticed!!
… and it was just fun participating in the voting

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