How many different types of teas a day?
Just wanted to ask everyone how many different types of tea do you drink a day? Also, what is your “everyday” tea you have to have to function. lol
PG Tips is my everyday tea, it’s the only bagged black tea I’ve come across that comes close to a loose leaf taste.
Twining’s Earl Grey either loose or bagged is another black tea that I drink on a regular basis, but it’s more of a “treat” tea and not my go to cuppa.
What are yours?
Three types of teas for now, black tea for morning, green tea for the afternoon, and tisanes in the night. I often alternate the combination depending on mood and the amount I have left which of course tends to run dry fast! haha :) I think I have finished 8oz of that awesome rooibos tea from teavana and I finished the samplers from mighty leaf and adagio teas. Most of it are the loose leaf varieties, some are cut leaves, others are bagged teas that contains loose leaf tea which really carries a lot of taste and fullness even to the dullest of teas.
I have to ditto Anthony Bazic…. 2-3 types: Heavy on the Caffeine in the morning (could be Black, could be Mate). Then, I might go for a second round of Black or Oolong in the afternoon, depending on what I have to get done and how late I have to be up (and lately, since I’ve been going to the gym if I have TIME to drink another pot of tea!) and then I’ve been trying to get into rooibos/herbal/honeybush/non-caffeinated, etc. I’ve been finishing off each evening with something different before I go to sleep.
As far as my “everyday” tea to function, whatever black or mate tea I’ve brewed up 64 oz of before work to bring with me! It’s usually gone before lunch, though, so I need a new system… or a new 32oz thermos….. Would 96oz of tea a day be overkill????
Generally just the one type of tea for me, unless I am drinking something that does not stand up well to multiple infusions. I start the day with a coffee (generally Java) and then drink tea for the rest of the day. If I am drinking puerh then I know that it will last the whole day out. Same for oolong, but green and white teas generally don’t last out so well, so I might swap tea types if drinking them.
Black, green, oolong and pu-er
2-3 of the above.
Occasional white and if I feel like something in the night, herbal/flower teas.
Basically everything except for yellows I guess.
I normally have maybe two or three different types of tea when I am drinking tea. I usually have some sort of black tea and maybe a different type out of my teacher’s tea basket or a green or herbal if I am feeling like it.
I have been on a mate kick recently and my teacher has gotten in some new herbals that I have been trying. And I will be getting some matcha soon, so maybe my norms will change in the future.
I usually have about 3 teas on a weekday, on weekends it’s closer to 5 or more. Typically I’ll start the morning with a nice oolong or green tea, possibly a chai, and then make a second steeping to go. In the afternoon I’ll have a few cups of a green or white tea and in the evening a herbal or flavored rooibos.
My usual rotation is pretty unchanging, but it’s all I really need. Strong cups/mugs of Harney’s Japanese Sencha from when I wake up until school is over. Once I come home from school I usually have a cup or two of Rishi’s Wuyi Oolong, and in the evening some genmaicha and when it’s getting a little too close to bedtime for caffeine, I drink some green rooibos.
I drink strong black tea in the mornings – usually PG Tips for me as well, although lately I’ve been having yerba mate occasionally. In the afternoons I drink herbals – rooibos and herbal chais mostly. In the evening I like to have a dessert tea after dinner, usually either a black tea or a rooibos
I have to have my PG tips in the morning too! Even when I travel I take a box of it with me so I can have my morning wake up cuppa!
I generally drink 2-3 types during the day. In the AM I have a black or green tea and then in the afternoon and evening I drink something without caffeine. My favourite is rooibos for the PM, but I’m not too picky! I don’t really have a tea I have to drink every day… I tend to go through phases where I’m addicted to one tea for a few days/weeks and then change to something else!
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