Getting error while trying to view 'Notices'
This morning I got some notices, and when I clicked on it I got an error:
Someone forgot to turn off the kettle. Check back later or try one of these:
Go back to the previous page
Drop us a note"
Is it just me ?
I was as well for a while this morning and reported it to both Ricky and Jason via email. I can view 1 page of notices now but have 80 unread and they won’t let me load additional pages-worth :)
I haven’t been able to view notices for 3 days now. It was just a few unread…….now it is 36.
I get the same error too, since sometime last night (Thursday), if I remember correctly.
UPDATE: I e-mailed Jason yesterday, and this afternoon I found the Notices page to be loading. Thank you Jason!
I’ve been getting that same error notice for a couple of weeks now, every time I click “notices.” I have over 60 notices but can’t read any of them. I notified the admins; they said it’s a bug in the system and they’d get to it when they had a chance.
UPDATE: Just re-checked and found the problem has been fixed (for me, at least). So try e-mailing the admins and they will help you, I am sure. Thanks Jason!
this happens to me every few weeks. Frustrating as all hell because if you want to report the error, it insists that you use either Gmail or Yahoo but I have neither of those. Why can’t they post a general email for people to link up to any email service??
I want my notices darnit!!
My three that I can’t see are unchanged. I’ve lost count of how many times I have to click the see more button to get 15 days back, though. That’s what happens when you use the all recent page instead of the dashboard I guess. :)
Mine still pop up. One minute, no notices, and then the next oh look I have a notice (or two)!! when I go and check… well there is nothing there… just a little annoying but I’ll survive it :)
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