matheton said

love David's Tea Kenyan Tinderet


Newbie here! I am really enjoying this community.


I love, love, love David’s Tea Kenyan Tinderet, are there any other teas with similar tastes that you have tried? Something very malty and strong.

Also, as much as i love Davids Tea, are there other places i could be buying my tea?


2 Replies

Hi Matheton!! Welcome!
I agree, the Tinderet is epic to be sure :) Sorry I can’t help you on the bold black teas.
As for other tea shops, there are plenty! I only really know the Toronto area, but we have Teaopia, Tea Emporium, Tao Tea Leaf, the Tea House, Tealish, SayTea,Tea Dynasty and Majesteas… and that is just off the top of my head. I know I missed a few in there.

What part of the world do you live in? if you are in a small town, there are TONS of online options as well!

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I bought a 50 g bag of the stuff and went like crazy since my whole family loves it as a go-to black tea. Something about the maltiness makes it so soothing.

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