Tea Swapping DANGERS??

65 Replies
Bonnie said

ok…being from the only healthy State in the U.S. and one that has snow and mountains and wildlife etc. I feel an affinity with Canada (and my great grandfathers all came from…CANADA )…but there are some quirky people here. Where I live is organic and there is a big Tea Festival in Boulder,CO every year. No Kidding! Enjoy the comments.

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Sometimes you may not get some tea sent back to you in return but its worth it because other times you may get something good that you wasn’t expecting :)

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Azzrian said

Ironically this week I just received my refund in the mail for the bottle of Excederin that was recalled due to someone tampering with it in their processing line (or something like that). We had taken nearly half the bottle before the recall. Anything can happen but far more likely to come from a somewhat common source.

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