Mike said

Fluoride in Green and Oolong Teas???

I just started getting into drinking organic green and oolong teas. I really love the teas I have tried and now drink them during most of my day at work.

I read an article on the net that claimed green and oolong teas have fluoride in them. This alarms me as fluoride isn’t good for the body and I stay away from it.

Has anyone else heard of this? This sucks! I love my tea!!!

14 Replies
Uniquity said

I would be more concerned about fluoride in the water than in the tea personally – where did you read this?

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I have serious doubts about this. I’ve never heard of this in all my years of researching tea. Could you please link the article or source? I don’t doubt YOU; I doubt the claim. I suspect it’s a Wag the Dog scenario – maybe a tea competitor is the source or writer, like a coffee company…Starbucks! Anyhoo I’d love to read it myself.

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Mike said

I’ll try and find it when I go back to work tomorrow and check my browser history. I didn’t want to believe it was true. This tea stuff is new to me and I absolutely love it!!!! I’m addicted! Thanks for the replies!!!!

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Mike said

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There is flouride in all tea leaves from what I’ve read.

I also found this link which may be helpful, it claims white tea has the least amount of flouride. It sounds like you’d need to drink over 2 liters of green tea a day to even exceed the RDA.


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Some tea sellers proudly announce that teas have flouride in them, claiming that it is a healthful for our teeth. I don’t think I’d let the flouride content stop me from drinking tea, but I also drink water from the tap so….if flouride is bad for you, I’m probably doomed. Luckily, I consume an otherwise healthy diet. :)

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Mike said

I’m not very thrilled about finding this out but it’s not going to stop me from drinking tea either. My diet is clean and I will see if there is a supplement to offset the fluoride if that is even possible. I love researching. Luckily I don’t use fluoride toothpaste so I’m a little ahead of the game. Thanks for the replies!

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no more than 10 cups of tea a day, sounds reasonable although sadly I do drink more than that some days!

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Wonks said

Fluoride is a very misunderstood mineral. Obviously it’s in drinking water, and toothpaste, but it’s also in the soil as fluorite and fluorapatite (especially near water sources since this exposes the mineral). Green tea contains the highest amount of fluoride (usually around 1.5 ppm), and that’s about the same as municipal water supplies. So I wouldn’t think too much about it as long as you use pure water in your green tea.

EDIT: I said it was misunderstood because most people think that it’s some sort of man-made additive to water, when really it’s a very natural mineral that is already in water, and the municipal supplies re-add it to the treated water.

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