For me the only mostly consistent thing is a cup of coffee to start the day. The remaining part of my day is all tea. I always drink cold green tea no matter the weather. However, as for hot cups of tea it changes daily. I am a huge mood based drinker which is probably when I have nearly 500 or so teas to choice from. :-)
500 is an amazing range, I have at most 15 in my cupboard I think
Interestingly enough; I drink the same tea throughout the day (plain green tea) store brand and in the evening switch to a Senna Herbal Tea for its laxative qualities…riding of waste.
Or when tasting of fancy teas; again I drink those throughout the day and switch to my herbal drink before turning in or shutting down at night.
There is the Shoe designer jimmy choo; but this is chew, like chow down or not…good drinking habits are difficult to come by.
So your drinking habits denotes that you tote tea throughout the day; it consume your waking hours. Happy tea then.
pretty much so, keeps my eyes off the screen
I don’t have a set schedule of what I drink daily. I change from day to day. I normally start with a strong tea in the morning. Lately I’ve been drinking London Cuppa. And throughout the day I will change up from a black tea to a green or a white. I just grab whatever I have at work. At home, I have too many choices & pick at random what I’ll drink.
Most nights I do find myself drinking a rooibos to help me relax.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a control freak, this is just the pattern for the last week.
Maybe cos I like have only 3-5 open boxes of tea at one time, I like to finish a pack before moving on to the next but yes I usually drink throughout the day. The fixed timing coincides with my break times
Recently I tend to drink different variations of one type of tea each day… like yesterday was a green tea day, today is a black tea day. I don’t know why I do it like this!! Also caffeine has no effect on me as far as I can tell so I can drink non-herbals into the evening as much as I like :x
Interesting, do you mix types of black teas within the same day?
Absolutely! I think maybe I just like to compare between types when each one is still fresh in my memory?
I pick a tea in the morning and pop some into a small yixing pot. Boil water and do about 4 steepings’ worth, which I pile into one thermos from which I pour off throughout the morning. I do the same with the same pot of leaves after lunch and then generally they’re spent so I toss them. If I’m still game, I’ll have something different in the evening after the kids are in bed and actually pay attention to the different steeps and individual flavors. Right now, I have a TGY that I can’t get enough of throughout the day and have been savoring some dan congs at night. :)
Caffeine has no impact on you? If I drink tea after 4pm, I have difficulty sleeping at night. Leaves me with boring ol’ water. Lucky u.
Not the amount in the tea I drink anyway. More than that does – I couldn’t do coffee or pop. But my tea must brew up pretty low on the scale. Of course, I used to be able to drink any amount at all hours so even what tolerance I do have might decline as I get older too.
I typically start the day with a black, especially if I’m working.
Mid-day I’m more inclined to sip on a green.
And after 5 I’ll usually opt for an herbal, especially if I want to sleep later. :P
Closest I have to a kindred spirit thus far, :p
What a cool get-to-know your fellow steepsterites question! :)
I usually begin with chai or a deeply caffeinated black or green tea, mainly because I hate my job and it’s the only way I can get moving and into a decent mood. ;) Then I try other caffeinated ones until about 12 or 1 p.m., switching to herbal and decaf in the afternoon. If I don’t I’ll end up with a morning migraine the next day and will really be hating life. I also will be unable to sleep and everyone will pay the next day (just ask my husband!).
I’m trying to expand my tea horizons, though, so I will be sampling teas from other companies and parts of the world. I’d love to try some of those Russian caravan teas I hear so much about. Knowing the Russians – and I have a Russian uncle! – it will be bold and brisk…an AM cuppa. ;)
Thanks for that. I was always curious if I drink too much!
I start the day with a black tea (currently Keemun Heng Ru). At lunchtime I switch to green tea and stay with it for the afternoon. After dinner I drink either a decaf tea or an herbal, so it won’t keep me awake.
I usually pick whatever I’m in the mood for. Samples and older teas get preference because I’d like to go through them sooner. Unflavoured black tea takes up the majority of my cupboard, but I still like to drink a different one each day. Never been a fan of drinking the same tea throughout the week.
I will drink anywhere between 0 to 6 cups (6oz) of tea a day. Out of the tea made, I like to do short steeping at least once a day (2 to 6 cups).
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